
Warum Debian und/oder eine seiner Spielarten? Was muss ich vorher wissen? Wo geht es nach der Installation weiter?
Beiträge: 519
Registriert: 02.10.2004 12:41:44


Beitrag von Psych » 12.05.2008 17:28:47


Mein Backup server spuckt neuerdings merkwürdige heartbeat fehlermeldungen aus... weiß damit jemand was anzufangen??

Code: Alles auswählen

heartbeat[2597]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 WARN: Core dumps could be lost if multiple dumps occur
heartbeat[2597]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 WARN: Consider setting /proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid (or equivalent) to 1 for maximum supportability
heartbeat[2597]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 WARN: Logging daemon is disabled --enabling logging daemon is recommended
heartbeat[2597]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 info: **************************
heartbeat[2597]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 info: Configuration validated. Starting heartbeat 2.0.7
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:04 info: heartbeat: version 2.0.7
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: Heartbeat generation: 23
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: G_main_add_TriggerHandler: Added signal manual handler
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: Removing /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp failed, recreating.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat started on port 694 (694) interface eth0
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: UDP Broadcast heartbeat closed on port 694 interface eth0 - Status: 1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: write socket priority set to IPTOS_LOWDELAY on eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: bound send socket to device: eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: bound receive socket to device: eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: started on port 694 interface eth1 to
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: write socket priority set to IPTOS_LOWDELAY on eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: bound send socket to device: eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: bound receive socket to device: eth1
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: glib: ucast: started on port 694 interface eth1 to
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:05 info: G_main_add_SignalHandler: Added signal handler for signal 17
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:06 info: Local status now set to: 'up'
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:07 info: Link cik-server:eth0 up.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:07 info: Status update for node cik-server: status active
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:07 info: Link cik-server:eth1 up.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:07 info: Link cik-server-back:eth0 up.
harc[2703]:     2008/05/12_18:21:07 info: Running /etc/ha.d/rc.d/status status
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: Comm_now_up(): updating status to active
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: Local status now set to: 'active'
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 WARN: G_CH_dispatch_int: Dispatch function for read child took too long to execute: 540 ms (> 50 ms) (GSource: 0x80fbe30)
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 WARN: G_CH_dispatch_int: Dispatch function for read child was delayed 540 ms (> 250 ms) before being called (GSource: 0x80fc090)
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: G_CH_dispatch_int: started at 1718066874 should have started at 1718066820
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: remote resource transition completed.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: remote resource transition completed.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:08 info: Local Resource acquisition completed. (none)
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: cik-server wants to go standby [foreign]
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: standby: acquire [foreign] resources from cik-server
heartbeat[2713]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: acquire local HA resources (standby).
heartbeat[2713]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: local HA resource acquisition completed (standby).
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: Standby resource acquisition done [foreign].
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:09 info: Initial resource acquisition complete (auto_failback)
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:21:10 info: remote resource transition completed.
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:24:33 ERROR: Ignored standby message 'done' from cik-server in state 0
heartbeat[2598]: 2008/05/12_18:24:33 ERROR: Both machines own our resources!
Debian Lenny, Squeeze (Server)
Openindiana (NAS)
PfSense (Router, Firewall)
Ubuntu (Notebook)
Arch Linux (Desktop)
