ich weiß nicht, ob ich's verlernt habe, mit google umzugehen, aber es gibt echt wenig nachzulesen was shaperd betrifft.
Ich würde gerne Port 80 vor FTP und dem Rest bevorzugen. So sieht meine shaperd.conf aus:
Code: Alles auswählen
log level = info
packet forwarding = ipq
daemon = yes
pidfile = /var/run/shaperd.pid
class from_A {
bandwidth = 50 kbyte/s
# shape every telnet/ssh packet coming from A's net (client)
# note: you can also use real (dns) host names instead of ip addresses
ipv4 classifier prio=1 proto=tcp \
inp_if=all \
out_if=wlan0 dport=http
ipv4 classifier prio=1 proto=udp \
inp_if=all \
out_if=wlan0 dport=53
ipv4 classifier prio=2 proto=tcp \
inp_if=all \
out_if=wlan0 dport=20,21
# finally, shape the rest of the bits
ipv4 classifier prio=0 proto=all \
inp_if=all \
# netfilter has the ability for forward just the pckts' headers, so
# only the packet limit makes sense under 2.4
queue limits = 0 kb 100 packets
Jan 3 06:51:34 laptop shaperd[22878]: unmatched packet -> seq=96 type=ipq inp_if="eth0" out_if="wlan0" len=60 proto=tcp src= 37925 dst= 443 mark=0x0
Jan 3 06:51:34 laptop shaperd[22878]: unmatched packet -> seq=97 type=ipq inp_if="wlan0" out_if="eth0" len=64 proto=tcp src= 443 dst= 37925 mark=0x0
Jan 3 06:51:36 laptop shaperd[22878]: invalid packet (hw_protocol=0x0) please apply http://webs.sinectis.com/lesanti/shaper ... 4.17.patch to fix this problem {packet.cpp:157}
Jan 3 06:51:36 laptop shaperd[22878]: unmatched packet -> seq=98 type=ipq inp_if="wlan0" out_if="" len=119 proto=udp src= 53 dst= 32775 mark=0x0
Jan 3 06:51:36 laptop shaperd[22878]: unmatched packet -> seq=99 type=ipq inp_if="eth0" out_if="wlan0" len=60 proto=tcp src= 44396 dst= 443 mark=0x0
Jan 3 06:51:36 laptop shaperd[22878]: unmatched packet -> seq=100 type=ipq inp_if="wlan0" out_if="eth0" len=64 proto=tcp src= 443 dst= 44396 mark=0x0
Ich bin ratlos, hat jemand shaperd bei sich erfolgreich am laufen?