web-based (?) testing management suite for hard- and softwar

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 08.06.2006 14:22:34

web-based (?) testing management suite for hard- and softwar

Beitrag von matto4g » 08.06.2006 15:23:58

This shouldn't be too uncommon in the industry, but it is quite
hard to google for it, so I would be glad if somebody had a
suggestion on this:

We are producing customized hardware, running free software.
Developers should make up some tests for hard- and software,
that will then be executed by technically not very skilled testers.
Testers then get a board with certain hardware and software
revision and perfom the test suite(s). Results are documented.
Board goes out to customers or back into development where
this cycle starts again.

What we are searching for is some kind of infrastructure that
makes it easy to track certain boards, know the hw/sw revisions,
what tests were performed, what failed and why.

Additionally some kind of statistics would be useful.


Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 08.06.2006 14:22:34

Beitrag von matto4g » 08.06.2006 15:35:51

Mist, jetzt poste ich schon "Voreinstellungs"-mässig englisch! X-(
Ich spare mir aber mal die Übersetzung in der Hoffnung, dass viele ja
englisch lesen können, und hoffe es kann trotzdem jemand einen Tip geben...?
