ISDN-Einwahlserver Protocol Error

Einrichten des lokalen Netzes, Verbindung zu anderen Computern und Diensten.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 20.01.2006 19:58:28

ISDN-Einwahlserver Protocol Error

Beitrag von gluehwurm » 20.01.2006 20:30:09

Hi, nachdem ich jetzt tagelang gegoogled habe und zu keiner Lösung gekommen bin werde ich mich nun mal an Euch wenden und hoffe ein paar Profis zu finden.

Ich habe vor langer Zeit erfolgreich einen ISDN-Einwahlserver eingerichtet, doch dieser funktioniert auf einmal nicht mehr.

Installierte Pakete:

Code: Alles auswählen

server:~# dpkg -l |grep capi
ii  capi4hylafax   01.02.03-10    Faxing over CAPI 2.0 device
ii  capiutils      3.6.2005-01-03 Utilities for CAPI-capable ISDN cards
ii  libcapi20-2    3.6.2005-01-03 libraries for CAPI support

server:~# dpkg -l |grep isdn
ii  isdnactivecard 3.6.2005-01-03 Support utilities for active ISDN cards.
ii  isdnlog        3.6.2005-01-03 ISDN connection logger
ii  isdnlog-data   3.6.2005-01-03 data for isdnlog users
ii  isdnutils      3.6.2005-01-03 Most important ISDN-related packages and uti
ii  isdnutils-base 3.6.2005-01-03 ISDN utilities, the basic (minimal) set
ii  isdnutils-xtoo 3.6.2005-01-03 ISDN utilities that use X
ii  isdnvboxclient 3.6.2005-01-03 ISDN answering machine, client
ii  isdnvboxserver 3.6.2005-01-03 ISDN answering machine, server
Alles hängt hinter einer TK-Anlage mit internen S0-Bus.

Interne MSNs:
23 für ISDN Einwahl (Nur Dial-In)
24 für Hylafax (Empfang) (der geht komischer Weise)

Wenn ich jetzt von meinem Notebook per PCMCIA Fritz-Karte mich auf meinem Server einwählen will (Auch Fritz-Karte) erscheint folgendes in der /var/log/isdn/isdnlog:

Code: Alles auswählen

Jan 20 19:30:36 * Call to tei 127 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  RING (Data)
Jan 20 19:30:36 Call to tei 67 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  CONNECT (Data)
Jan 20 19:30:36 Call to tei 67 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  INTERFACE ippp1 called by 221[Meine MSN]
Jan 20 19:30:41 Call to tei 67 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  Protocol error, unspecified (Private network serving remote user)
Jan 20 19:30:41 Call to tei 67 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  Protocol error, unspecified (User)
Jan 20 19:30:41 Call to tei 67 from +49 221/[Meine MSN], Köln on +49 221/23, Köln  HANGUP ( 0:00:05 I=  0.0 b O=130.0 b) Protocol error, unspecified (Private network serving remote user)
Hier meine /etc/isdn/device.ippp1

Code: Alles auswählen


# Instructions: read the comments for each command, and if necessary, edit
# the command (e.g. replace EAZ with your real EAZ or MSN). Look for lines
# marked with XXX_, which is probably all you need to change.
# If the command is commented out, remove the leading '#' to enable it if
# the command is needed.
# After you have configured this file, remove the "Warning!" line above to
# enable this file.

# If using dynamic IP addresses:
# Check out the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/isdnutils and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/isdnutils
# scripts, to ensure that any routing is done correctly there (the
# ip-up.d/isdnutils script is run after a syncPPP link is established, and the
# ip-down.d/isdnutils script is run after the link goes down).
# You need to have the ppp package installed for those scripts to work.

set -e	# exit on _any_ error

# Get the device name
device=`basename $0`; device=${device#*.}
# this used to be simple, but POSIX is a bit more limited
# ippp0+8 -> devtype=ippp
# ippp0+8 -> devnums=0+8
# ippp0+8 -> device=ippp8
case "x$masterslave" in
    xmaster)	master=true;  slave=false;;
    xslave)	master=false; slave=true; masterdevice="$3";;
    x)		master=false; slave=false;;
    *)		echo "Error, $0 called with unknown 2nd arg '$masterslave', aborting!"
    		exit 1;;

# The (dummy) IP addresses
# Use for LOCALIP and for REMOTEIP if you have
# dynamic IP addresses; with static address fill in the real values!


# Phone numbers (without the leading zero)
# REMOTEMSN may be a list of numbers to dial, separated by a space.
# If you do that, DO put quotes around the whole value! Like:
# REMOTEMSN='221345788 221345789'
# The REMOTEMSN must be the areacode (without the leading zero) + phonenumber!
#      Example: areacode: 0221  phonenumber: 345789
#               => REMOTEMSN='221345789'
# A zero is added below when it is used as the outgoing number;
# when it it used as the incoming number, it must be without a leading zero
# (which is why you must leave that leading zero out below).
# The local number must also be given without the leading zero!
# In countries where there are NO areacodes, this leading zero must NOT be
# added. In that case, change the value of LEADINGZERO below to ''
# LEADINGZERO could conceivably need to be something else in certian
# situations, so it is configurable.

LEADINGZERO=0		# XXX_  use LEADINGZERO='' if you have no areacodes.

# New with kernel 2.0.36 is the `dialmode' setting.
# dialmode=auto is compatible with the old behaviour (dial-on-demand enabled).
# Read the isdnctrl manpage for more info.
# Change the value below if you want a different setting when the interface is
# started.
# For slave devices (channel bundling) dialmode _must_ be auto,
# so for slave devices this setting is ignored.

DIALMODE=on		# XXX_	other values can be 'on' and 'off'

# Encapsulation (default is syncppp for ipppX devices, rawip for isdnX devices)
# Change the next four lines if you need some other value.
if expr ${device} : ippp > /dev/null
then	ENCAP=syncppp
else	ENCAP=rawip

# Configuration (start)

case "$dowhat" in
    # XXX_
    # If running kernel 2.0.31 or higher, enable the IP dynamic hack
    # (if needed). See linux/Documentation/networking/ip_dynaddr.txt .
    # Default is: enabled. If you have static IP numbers, you can remove
    # the next line.
    [ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr ] && echo 5 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr

    # First you need to create the interface
    if $slave
    then	isdnctrl addslave ${masterdevice} ${device}
    else	isdnctrl addif ${device}

    #	eaz name num
    # Set the EAZ (German 1TR6 protocol) or MSN (Euro-ISDN E-DSS1) for
    # interface "name" to "num". For an EAZ this is only one digit, for a
    # MSN "num" is the whole MSN.
    # In the Netherlands this includes the areacode, but not the leading 0.
    # (other countries?)
    isdnctrl eaz ${device} $LOCALMSN

    #	addphone name out num
    # Set the phone number(s) of the remote site for the IP-interface
    # "name". More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
    # repeatedly. If more than one number is set these will be tried one
    # after another. When using an german SPV-type connection, with a
    # ICN-card, the number has to be preceeded by a capital S.
    # This is the "normal" number.

    if [ ! -z "$REMOTEMSN" ]; then
	for MSN in $REMOTEMSN; do
	    isdnctrl addphone ${device} out $LEADINGZERO$MSN

    #	addphone name in num
    # Set the phone number(s) that the IP-interface "name" is supposed to
    # accept for incoming calls. If no number is given, incoming calls are
    # disabled. More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
    # repeatedly. Also wildcards can be used (see below).
    # In the Netherlands (and elsewhere?),
    # this is with areacode but without leading 0
    if [ ! -z "$REMOTEMSN" ]; then
    	for MSN in $REMOTEMSN; do
    	    isdnctrl addphone ${device} in $MSN

    #	secure name on|off
    # Turns on or off the security feature for interface "name". If set to
    # on, incoming calls will only be accepted if the calling number has
    # been added to the access list with isdnctrl addphone name in.
    isdnctrl secure ${device} off

    #	huptimeout name seconds
    # Set the hangup timeout for interface "name" to "seconds". If there
    # is inactivity (i.e. no traffic on the interface) for the given time
    # the driver automatically shuts down the connection.
    # Default is 60 seconds
    isdnctrl huptimeout ${device} 60	# XXX_

    # 	dialmax name num
    # Set the number of dial atempts for interface "name" to "num". If
    # dialing, each phonenumber is tried this many times before giving up.
    #isdnctrl dialmax ${device} NUM

    #	ihup name on|off
    # Turn on or off the hangup timeout for incoming calls on interface name
    #isdnctrl ihup ${device} on

    #	 encap name encapname
    # Set the encapsulation mode for interface "name". Possible modes for
    # encapname are: rawip ip cisco-h ethernet syncppp uihdlc
    # (most people use rawip, syncppp or cisco-h; syncppp is normal for
    # ISP's, rawip is normal for semi-fixed linux-linux connections)
    isdnctrl encap ${device} $ENCAP

    #	l2_prot name protocol
    # Set the layer-2 protocol for interface "name". Possible values for
    # "protocol" are x75i, x75ui, x75bui and hdlc
    # (most people use hdlc)
    isdnctrl l2_prot ${device} hdlc

    #	l3_prot name protocol
    # Set the layer-3 protocol for interface "name". At the moment only
    # trans is supported.  If protocol is omitted the current setting is
    # printed.
    isdnctrl l3_prot ${device} trans

    #	verbose num
    # Set verbosity level to <num>.
    # (2 shows the first package of every connection, that is very useful.)
    # WARNING: this is a global parameter, that affects all isdn devices!
    isdnctrl verbose 2


    #	chargehup name on|off
    # Turn on or off hangup before next charge info for interface name. This
    # can only be used if the ISDN provider transmits charge info during and
    # after the connection. If set to on, the driver will close the
    # connection just before the next charge info will  be received if the
    # interface is inactive.
    #isdnctrl chargehup ${device} on

    #	chargeint name seconds
    # When "seconds" are given, the charge interval for the given interface
    # is set. This may be of use on ISDN lines with no chargeinfo or no
    # online chargeinfo. The connection will only be closed 2 seconds before
    # the end of the next charge interval and only, if huptime out seconds
    # of inactivity have been reached. If ihup is on, also incomming
    # connections are closed by this mechanism.
    #isdnctrl chargeint ${device} NUM


    #	callback name off|in|out
    # Selects callback mode for interface "name". If call-back mode is in,
    # then after getting an incoming call, a callback is triggered. If
    # callback mode is out, then this system does the initial call, then
    # waiting for callback of the remote machine.
    #isdnctrl callback ${device} MODE

    #	cbdelay name seconds
    # Set the callback delay for interface "name" to "seconds". If callback
    # mode for this interface is in, dialing is delayed the given time. If
    # the callback mode is out, after dialing out and waiting the given
    # time, a hangup is issued to free the line for the incoming callback
    # from the remote machine. This hangup-after-dial is disabled by setting
    # cbdelay to 0.
    #isdnctrl cbdelay ${device} SECONDS

    #	cbhup name on|off
    # Turns on or off Hangup (Reject) for interface "name" before starting
    # Callback.
    #isdnctrl cbhup ${device} MODE


    # There are other options not used by most people.  You can insert these
    # options here.

    # See also : isdnctrl(8), isdnctrl help text

    # pppbind is needed when using one ipppd per ippp interface
    # (like Debian does)
    bindnum=`expr $device : 'ippp\(.*\)'` || true
    if [ ! -z "$bindnum" ]; then
	isdnctrl pppbind ${device} $bindnum


    # Network device setup as usual (not applicable to slave devices!)
    # See also : ifconfig(8) route(8) or any book about unix networking.

    if ! $slave; then
	ifconfig ${device} $LOCALIP pointopoint $REMOTEIP netmask
	set +e	# ignore errors from here on

	route del -host $REMOTEIP ${device} 2>/dev/null
	route add -host $REMOTEIP ${device}

	# setting default route here is only useful if this is your only
	# outside connection... The default is ippp0 for the default route.
	# NOTE: default route for ippp0 is also set in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-ipppd
	#       and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/99-ipppd ! So if you don't want the
	#	default route over ippp0, edit those scripts as well.
	#	Another solution is not to use ippp0 at all; this is only done
	#	for ippp0 so by skipping that (and starting with ippp1 for
	#	example) you don't have to edit anything to avoid changing the
	#	default route!
	if [ "$bindnum" = 0 ]; then
	    route del default 2>/dev/null
	    route add default netmask 0 ${device}


	# Explicitly list what's allowed, and then deny the rest.
	# I'm assuming kernel 2.2.x here, hence ipchains
        # instead of ipfwadm or iptables. Note also that this is pretty
        # simple-minded, and offers only rudimentary protection.
	# The firewall rules below will only work here if using static IP
	# addresses!!!  For dynamic addresses the rules should be added in
	# /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/00-isdnutils and deleted in
	# /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/99-isdnutils .
	# Also note you usually only want a setup as below for the interface
	# facing the internet, not if you're using the interface to connect a
	# local subnet (unless you're using masquerading).
	# Also be sure to check the config to make sure it fits what you want.
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} 1000:
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ssh
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} smtp
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ident
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ftp
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} http
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p UDP  -d ${LOCALIP} 1024:
	# ipchains -A input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p ICMP -d ${LOCALIP}
	# ipchains -A input -j DENY   -i ${device}

	# If you don't have masquerading set up yet, try the following
        # (I recommend the ipmasq package).
	# Replace 192.168.1 with the network number you use on the hosts
	# that will use masquerading.
	# ipchains -I forward -j MASQ -s
    fi # not slave

    # ignore errors in case of older kernel
    if $slave
    then	isdnctrl dialmode $device auto      >/dev/null 2>&1
    else	isdnctrl dialmode $device $DIALMODE >/dev/null 2>&1

# Delete the interface
    set +e	# ignore errors from here on

    isdnctrl dialmode $device off >/dev/null 2>&1

    if ! $slave; then

	# Undo the things done above.
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} 1000:
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ssh
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} smtp
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ident
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} ftp
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p TCP  -d ${LOCALIP} http
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p UDP  -d ${LOCALIP} 1024:
	# ipchains -D input -j ACCEPT -i ${device} -p ICMP -d ${LOCALIP}
	# ipchains -D input -j DENY   -i ${device}

	# If you don't have masquerading set up yet, try the following.
	# Replace 192.168.1 with the network number you use on the hosts
	# that will use masquerading.
	# ipchains -D forward -j MASQ -s

	# Commands to undo the network stuff
	route del $REMOTEIP $device	2> /dev/null
	# only delete default route if set above!
	# The default is to use ippp0 for your default route.
	bindnum=`expr $device : 'ippp\(.*\)'`
	if [ "$bindnum" = 0 ]; then
	    route del default netmask 0 2>/dev/null
	ifconfig $device down	2> /dev/null
	isdnctrl delif $device	2> /dev/null
	# If this was the master device,
	# the delif will also have removed the slaves.

# the rest is generic, don't touch
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
    exit 1

exit 0

# vim:set sw=4 si:
Und die /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp1

Code: Alles auswählen

# Options file for ipppd.
# ipppd will not read /etc/ppp/options or /etc/ppp/ioptions or any other
# config file. Everything has to be in here.

# "peer" is the name for our syncppp partner.


#debug			# enable debugging
#kdebug X		# set kernel debugging level to X
#nodetach		# (no) fork to the background
#callback X		# ask for callback (parameter X ?)
#lock			# create a lock file for device 
#domain X		# add domain X to a given hostname
#pidfile X		# save pid in file X
#call X			# take options from privileges file (???)
#idle X			# idle time limit (seconds)
#holdoff X		# holdoff time limit (seconds)
#maxconnect X		# set maximum connection time (in seconds ?)
#+mp			# enable multi line ppp
#+pwlog			# log password (WARNING: possible security hole)
#nomagic		# magic number negotiation

# ppp handshake : tuning

#silent			# don't even try to initiate the connection
#passive		# wait for the peer to initiate the connection
#lcp-echo-failure X	# consecutive echo failures
#lcp-echo-interval X	# time for lcp echo events 
lcp-restart 1		# Set timeout for LCP 
#lcp-max-terminate X	# Set max #xmits for term-reqs
#lcp-max-configure X	# Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#lcp-max-failure X 	# Set max #conf-naks for LCP


#name X			# set local name for auth XXX_
#user X			# set name for auth with peer; default is value for name
#usehostname		# use hostname for auth
#remotename X		# set remote name for auth
#noauth			# (dont) require peer (the other) to auth
require-pap		# allow only pap authentication (dialin only)
#require-chap		# allow only chap authentication (dialin only)
#login			# use system password database for pap
#papcrypt		# pap passwords are encrypted

#pap-restart X		# Set retransmit timeout for PAP 
#pap-max-authreq X	# Set max #xmits for auth-reqs
#pap-timeout X		# Set time limit for peer PAP auth.
#chap-restart X 	# Set timeout for CHAP 
#chap-max-challenge X 	# Set max #xmits for challenge 
#chap-interval X 	# Set interval for rechallenge


#noaccomp		# address compression on/off
#nopcomp		# protocol field compression on/off
#novj			# van jacobsen compression on/off
#novjccomp		# van jacobsen connection-ID compression on/off
#vj-max-slots X		# tune maximum vj header slots
#nobsdcomp		# bsd compression on/off
#nodeflate		# deflate compression on/off
#nopredictor1		# predictor1 compression in/off
noccp			# compression negotation on/off
nolzs			# LZS compression off (not yet supported fully)


#noip			# (do not) disable ip transfer
#X:Y			# (do not) set local ip to X, remote ip to Y
#noipdefault		#  do not  use name for default ip addr
useifip		# (do)     use ip addresses from interface
#usefirstip		# (do)     use first ip from auth file for remote
netmask	#  do      set netmask, for pointopoint
#defaultroute 		# (do not) set default route (for Debian config, don't uncomment)
nohostroute		#  do not  set host route
#proxyarp		# (do not) set an proxy arp entry
#mru 1524		#  do      set maximum size of receive units to X
#default-mru		# (do not) enable mru negotation
mtu 1500		#  do      set max size of transmit units (1500 is OK)
#useifmtu		# (do not) use mtu from interface
#ipparam X		# (do not) set ip parameters in script X
ms-dns		# (do not) set dns addr for the peers use (dialin only)
#ms-wins X		# (do not) wins address for the peers use (dialin only)
#ms-get-dns		# (do not) accept peers suggestion of dns addr (dialout)
#set_userip 		# (do not) define valid ip addrs in /etc/ppp/useriptab

#ipcp-restart X		# Set timeout for IPCP 
#ipcp-max-terminate X	# Set max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipcp-max-configure X	# Set max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipcp-max-failure X	# Set max #conf-naks for IPCP 
#ipcp-accept-local	# Accept peer's address for us 
#ipcp-accept-remote	# Accept peer's address for it 


#noipx			# en/disable ipx
#ipx-network X 		# IPX network number 
#ipxcp-accept-network	#  Accept peer netowrk
#ipx-node X 		# IPX node number 
#ipxcp-accept-local	# Accept our address 
#ipxcp-accept-remote	# Accept peer's address
#ipx-routing X		# IPX routing proto number 
#ipx-router-name X	# IPX router name
#ipxcp-restart X 	# Set timeout for IPXCP 
#ipxcp-max-terminate X	# max #xmits for term-reqs 
#ipxcp-max-configure X	# max #xmits for conf-reqs 
#ipxcp-max-failure X	# max #conf-naks for IPXCP 

Keine Ahnung warum das auf Einmal nicht mehr funktioniert. Vielleicht sieht einer von euch den Fehler. Hab schwar schon ne Brille, aber mehrere augen sehen trotzdem besser ;-)

By the Way: Ich suche auch immer noch ne Lösung dass ich auf der selben MSN auch die Fritz dazu überredet bekomme auch Verbindungen von analogen Modems anzunehmen. laut meinen Recherchen über Google soll dies nicht möglich sein. Allerdings frag ich mich wieso dann Hylafax verbindungen von analogen Faxmodems anehmen kann und auch die Fritzkarte nutzt ??? Also müsste es theoretisch auch möglich sein eine analoge Einwahl mit einer Fritz zu realisieren. Wenn jemand da eine Lösung hätte, wäre ich sehr dankbar ;-)



Beiträge: 2427
Registriert: 26.10.2004 11:16:34
Wohnort: Rhein-Main-Gebiet

Re: ISDN-Einwahlserver Protocol Error

Beitrag von bluestar » 22.01.2006 13:58:10

gluehwurm hat geschrieben: Keine Ahnung warum das auf Einmal nicht mehr funktioniert. Vielleicht sieht einer von euch den Fehler. Hab schwar schon ne Brille, aber mehrere augen sehen trotzdem besser ;-)
Ich hatte ein ähnliches Problem und habe mir damals den (i)pppd-Aufruf von Hand zusammengebaut, schau einfach mal in den Thread:
gluehwurm hat geschrieben: By the Way: Ich suche auch immer noch ne Lösung dass ich auf der selben MSN auch die Fritz dazu überredet bekomme auch Verbindungen von analogen Modems anzunehmen. laut meinen Recherchen über Google soll dies nicht möglich sein.
Ist technisch auch nicht möglich!
gluehwurm hat geschrieben: Allerdings frag ich mich wieso dann Hylafax verbindungen von analogen Faxmodems anehmen kann und auch die Fritzkarte nutzt ??? Also müsste es theoretisch auch möglich sein eine analoge Einwahl mit einer Fritz zu realisieren. Wenn jemand da eine Lösung hätte, wäre ich sehr dankbar ;-)
Du verwendest die CAPI-Treiber für die FritzCard von AVM?! Die emulieren über die FritzCard ein 9600bps Modem - darüber ist der Faxempfang möglich. Ob und wie du diese Modememulation für analoge Dialins nutzen kanns, da kann ich dir leider nicht weiterhelfen..
