i tried to install Debian GNU/Linux on my IBM RS/6000. First, i tried with Debian Woody for PowerPC. I set the SCSI CDROM as the first bootable drive and tried to boot from CD... but there was an error:
Code: Alles auswählen
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0 ncr53c88x_reset: pid=0 reset_flags=2 serial_number=????? serial_number_at_timeout=?????
Ok, i said.. i'll boot from a floppy. i downloaded the images of a Boot Disk and a Ram Disk. I booted and started installing... at the "Module Configuration" step, there was another error. it was a pat under /target/lib that hadn't been found.. i used the shell from the installation program and renamed this path. then, i installed the base system. At the "Make System Bootable" step there was another error... it just ignored this step... i pressed "Return", but nothing happened... so i decided to make a boot floppy. Now.. the system started booting but... that damned error (SCSI host ... etc etc) appeared again!!
After, i tried with Debian Sarge. Booting from CD, I encountered another error... he couldn't find the root device and suggested me to append a root= parameter to the load string... i tried with:
- /dev/sr0
- /dev/sr1
- /dev/sr2
- /dev/scd0
- /dev/scd1
- /dev/scd2
- /dev/sda
- /dev/sda1
- .
- ..
- /dev/fd0 (with the boot floppy inserted)
but nothing changed each time.
so, i decided to boot from the boot floppy again... but the system loader didn't recognized the Sarge Boot Floppy as bootable and skipped over
i really don't know what to do.. and i hope this community can help me
thanks all and bye!