Kernel auf debian weise machen und installieren Lilo problem

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Kernel auf debian weise machen und installieren Lilo problem

Beitrag von Thoeoyi » 03.04.2004 10:59:53

Ich hab den kernel fertig gemacht und wollte ihn jetzt mit hilfe von dpkg -i installiern. Da kommt dann der fehler

Code: Alles auswählen

Install a boot block using the existing /etc/lilo.conf? [Yes] yes
Testing lilo.conf ...
An error occurred while running lilo in test mode, a log is
available in /var/log/lilo_log.11899. Please edit /etc/lilo.conf
manually and re-run lilo, or make other arrangements to boot
your machine.
Wenn ich Lilo eingebe kommt

Code: Alles auswählen

root@Lepi:/usr/src# lilo
Duplicate entry 'label' at or above line 120 in file '/etc/lilo.conf'
In der Lilo_log steht

Code: Alles auswählen

Duplicate entry 'label' at or above line 120 in file '/etc/lilo.conf'
Meine Lilo Conf schaut so aus

Code: Alles auswählen

root@Lepi:/usr/src# cat /etc/lilo.conf
# /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',
# ---------------       `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',
#                       and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.

# +---------------------------------------------------------------+
# |                        !! Reminder !!                         |
# |                                                               |
# | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this     |
# | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel.  The |
# | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image      |
# | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'.      |
# |                                                               |
# +---------------------------------------------------------------+

# Support LBA for large hard disks.

# Overrides the default mapping between harddisk names and the BIOS'
# harddisk order. Use with caution.
#    bios=0x81

#    bios=0x80

# Specifies the boot device.  This is where Lilo installs its boot
# block.  It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which
# case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.

# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')

# Enable map compaction:
# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single
# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the
# map smaller.  Using `compact' is especially recommended when
# booting from a floppy disk.  It is disabled here by default
# because it doesn't always work.
# compact


# Installs the specified file as the new boot sector
# You have the choice between: bmp, compat, menu and text
# Look in /boot/ and in lilo.conf(5) manpage for details

# Specifies the location of the map file

# You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines
# in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must
# be typed to boot anything but a default configuration.  If a
# command line is given, other than one specified by an `append'
# statement in `lilo.conf', the password will be required, but a
# standard default boot will not require one.
# This will, for instance, prevent anyone with access to the
# console from booting with something like `Linux init=/bin/sh',
# and thus becoming `root' without proper authorization.
# Note that if you really need this type of security, you will
# likely also want to use `install-mbr' to reconfigure the MBR
# program, as well as set up your BIOS to disallow booting from
# removable disk or CD-ROM, then put a password on getting into the
# BIOS configuration as well.  Please RTFM `install-mbr(8)'.
# password=tatercounter2000

# Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should
# wait before booting the first image.

# You can put a customized boot message up if you like.  If you use
# `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you
# must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting
# for a keypress.  `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the
# `image' configurations below.  eg: You can press `1' to boot
# `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxOLD', if you uncomment the `alias'.
# message=/boot/bootmess.txt
#       prompt
#       single-key
#       delay=100
#       timeout=100

# Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go
# here.  See: The `boot-prompt-HOWO' and `kernel-parameters.txt' in
# the Linux kernel `Documentation' directory.
# append=""
append="hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi
apm=power-off nomce"

# Boot up Linux by default.

#       restricted
#       alias=1

#       restricted
#       alias=2

# If you have another OS on this machine to boot, you can uncomment the
# following lines, changing the device name on the `other' line to
# where your other OS' partition is.
# other=/dev/hda4
#       label=HURD
#       restricted
#       alias=3

Wo liegt der fehler???

Beiträge: 4068
Registriert: 10.07.2002 17:34:13
Wohnort: Halle/Saale

Re: Kernel auf debian weise machen und installieren Lilo problem

Beitrag von tylerD » 03.04.2004 11:04:03

ZeRoKiLLeR hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

#       restricted
#       alias=2

Entweder du kommentiertst das image wieder ein und kannst dann noch vom alten Kernel booten, oder du kommentierst alle 3 Werte darunter aus.

Das nächste mal bitte nicht dei ganzen unnützen Kommentare mitposten, sondern etwas auf eine sinnvolle Größe kürzen.

