Hallo Forum,
wie bekomme ich am einfachsten auf einen Debian 12 Server?

Welche Besonderheiten habe ich mit Debian 12 zu beachten?Installation
You will need to perform the following steps to install the application on your server:
Make sure that your server has Apache/Nginx, PHP and MySQL installed.
Create a new database (or use an existing one).
Copy the "easyappointments" source folder on your server.
Make sure that the "storage" directory is writable.
Rename the "config-sample.php" file to "config.php" and update its contents based on your environment.
Open the browser on the Easy!Appointments URL and follow the installation guide.
That's it! You can now use Easy!Appointments at your will.
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN3CiubnYUw
(alt) Anleitung php7.4 https://i12bretro.github.io/tutorials/0743.html
php8.2 February 15, 2023 https://easyappointments.org/2023/02/15 ... p-h-p-8-2/
Sollte ich einen Docker-Compose Installation bevorzugen?
https://www.christian-knedel.de/post/20 ... ointments/ basiert auf https://hub.docker.com/r/jamrizzi/easyappointments
Besser wohl dasjamrizzi/easyappointments
By jamrizzi • Updated 6 years ago
A docker image for Easy!Appointments
https://github.com/alextselegidis/easya ... nts-docker
https://easyappointments.org/docs.html# ... n-guide.md