Code: Alles auswählen
cd ${answer2}
nun die Frage: wie mache ich das?? am besten, dass eine neue Variable erstellet wird, mit der Eingabe und halt den letzten Ordner nicht.
danke für Ideen
Code: Alles auswählen
cd ${answer2}
Code: Alles auswählen
echo "fp: "$fullpath
echo "bn: "`basename $fullpath`
echo "dn: "`dirname $fullpath`
pathname=`dirname $fullpath`
echo "pn: "$pathname
cd $pathname
Code: Alles auswählen
$ dirname /irgend/ein/pfad/
$ dirname /irgend/ein/pfad
$ a=/irgend/ein/pfad/; echo ${a%/*}
$ a=/irgend/ein/pfad; echo ${a%/*}
If universal surveillance were the answer, lots of us would have moved to the former East Germany. If surveillance cameras were the answer, camera-happy London, with something like 500,000 of them at a cost of $700 million, would be the safest city on the planet.
—Bruce Schneier