weiss jemand wie der font, welcher für 'loading' verwendet wurde, heisst:
http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview ... 8942-1.png
font gesucht
font gesucht
[..] Linux is not a code base. Or a distro. Or a kernel. It's an attitude. And it's not about Open Source. It's about a bunch of people who still think vi is a good config UI. - Matt's reply on ESR's cups/ui rant
ich denke nicht.. ist ausserdem komplett uppercase..
so, gefunden: child's play
so, gefunden: child's play

[..] Linux is not a code base. Or a distro. Or a kernel. It's an attitude. And it's not about Open Source. It's about a bunch of people who still think vi is a good config UI. - Matt's reply on ESR's cups/ui rant