ich wollte zwei öffentliche ORSN DNS-Server bereitstellen. Ich beschäftige mich jetzt aber das erste mal mit Bind9 auf Debian. Kann mir jemand sagen, ob ich die File Datei "orsn.named.root" anlegen muss und wenn ja in welchem Verzeichnis? Danke für eure Hilfe.
; This is the BIND configuration file for a ORSN Public-DNS-Server.
; Please modify this file for your environment!
; The file contains all usable configuration options to running a DNS
; for the Open Root Server Network.
; For more information visit the following site
; http://www.orsn.org/
acl "rfc1918" {;;;
options {
directory "/var/named/";
version "ORSN PublicDNS";
recursion yes;
pid-file "named.pid";
listen-on { any; };
listen-on-v6 { any; };
allow-query { any; };
transfer-format many-answers;
blackhole { "rfc1918"; };
allow-recursion { any; };
key "rndc-key" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "<.....Security key (rndc-confgen).....>";
controls {
inet port 953 allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
logging {
channel logfiledefault {
file "log/default" versions 3 size 64m;
severity debug 1;
print-time yes;
channel logfileupdate {
file "log/update" versions 3 size 64m;
severity debug 1;
print-time yes;
channel logfilenotify {
file "log/notify" versions 3 size 64m;
severity debug 1;
print-time yes;
channel logfileconfig {
file "log/config" versions 3 size 64m;
severity debug 1;
print-time yes;
channel logfilesecurity {
file "log/security" versions 3 size 64m;
severity debug 1;
print-time yes;
category security { logfilesecurity; };
category default { logfiledefault; };
category config { logfileconfig; };
zone "." {
type hint;
file "orsn.named.root";