RFB: Sind VNCI und »reverse VNC connection« dasselbe?

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RFB: Sind VNCI und »reverse VNC connection« dasselbe?

Beitrag von bullgard » 13.08.2013 03:25:12

Hallo Forum,

http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/r ... =Main_Page: "
remmina > Supported Network Protocols > VNC > The following VNC extensions are supported: ..., 'Reverse VNC connection '.
http://askubuntu.com/questions/57590/ho ... connection: "
Listening on port 5900 for an incoming VNCI connection...
RFC 6143 »The Remote Framebuffer Protocol« (March 2011): "
In some cases, the initial roles of the client and server are reversed, with the RFB client listening on port 5500, and the RFB server contacting the RFB client. Once the connection is established, the two sides take their normal roles, with the RFB server sending the first handshake message.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
