Wie war das mit dem Wald und den Bäumen
Hab jetzt die Richtige Datei gefunden: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Code: Alles auswählen
# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules
# program, probably run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.
# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single line.
# UNKNOWN device (/class/net/eth0)
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", SYSFS{address}=="00:07:e9:47:49:0f", NAME="eth0"
# USB device 0bda:8187 (rtl8187)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:c0:ca:1a:b1:c2", ATTR{type}=="1", NAME="wlan0"
# PCI device 0x8086:0x1019 (e1000)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:07:e9:47:49:0f", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
Die Zeile:
#SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", SYSFS{address}=="00:07:e9:47:49:0f", NAME="eth0"
habe ich auskommentiert
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:07:e9:47:49:0f", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"
bei NAME eth0 statt eth1 eingetragen.
Das wars schon. War also bissl foo von udev ...