Hallo und Moin Moin,
Mein Name ist Ralph und ich bin neu hier im Forum. In Linux/Debian auch.
Folgende Meldung bekomme ich, wenn ich die zuvor erstellte vm1 starten will:
www:~# xm create vm1.cfg
Using config file "/etc/xen/vm1.cfg".
Error: Device 2049 (vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found.
Ich bin seit vorgestern Mittag am googeln und habe unzählige Antworten gelesen (das Problem taucht wohl nicht selten auf) und manches ausprobiert. Alles ohne Erfolg.
Eine wirkliche Antwort wusste auch niemand
Was ich schon probiert/erledigt habe:
www:~# `seq 8 1 63` ; mkdir /dev/loop$minor 7 b c $minor ;
-bash: 8: command not found
mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/loop': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory `7': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory `b': File exists
"max_loops=64" in grub/menue.lst eingetragen.
Nun weiss ich nicht mehr weiter und dachte, daß es angebracht wäre, hier mal zu fragen.
Im Voraus schon mal "danke" für eureMühe
(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found
(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found
Ich wünsche Allen das, was sie mir auch wünschen.
Re: (vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found
While attempting to create a Xen Virtual Machine (XenVM) by installing it from a vendor installation disk ISO image that has been mounted from a network file system (NFS) share to the XenServer Host, you receive the following error message:
"Command failed. Reason: Error: Device 5696(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found."
Note: To access an ISO image from within a running XenVM, root access to the NFS share is not required. The above error only occurs when you try to create a XenVM by installing the operating system from a vendor installation ISO image on an NFS share without access.
Das Folgende hab ich inzwischen gefunden. Sieht ganz danach aus,als sei es die Lösung.
Ich hab jetz aber das Problem daß ich in /etc keine "export file" habe und sie auch nicht finden kann.
Hat jemand einen Tip?
While attempting to create a Xen Virtual Machine (XenVM) by installing it from a vendor installation disk ISO image that has been mounted from a network file system (NFS) share to the XenServer Host, you receive the following error message:
"Command failed. Reason: Error: Device 5696(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found."
Note: To access an ISO image from within a running XenVM, root access to the NFS share is not required. The above error only occurs when you try to create a XenVM by installing the operating system from a vendor installation ISO image on an NFS share without access.
The shared directory on the NFS server (where the ISO image is being accessed from) is not set to allow root access to it.
Set the NFS server to allow root access to the shared directory. This can be done by setting the no_root_squash flag to the share entry in /etc/exports file on NFS server.
For example, to share the directory /xen_iso on an NFS server with root access, the line in /etc/exports would be :
/xen_iso *(sync,rw,no_root_squash)
While attempting to create a Xen Virtual Machine (XenVM) by installing it from a vendor installation disk ISO image that has been mounted from a network file system (NFS) share to the XenServer Host, you receive the following error message:
"Command failed. Reason: Error: Device 5696(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found."
Note: To access an ISO image from within a running XenVM, root access to the NFS share is not required. The above error only occurs when you try to create a XenVM by installing the operating system from a vendor installation ISO image on an NFS share without access.
Das Folgende hab ich inzwischen gefunden. Sieht ganz danach aus,als sei es die Lösung.
Ich hab jetz aber das Problem daß ich in /etc keine "export file" habe und sie auch nicht finden kann.
Hat jemand einen Tip?
While attempting to create a Xen Virtual Machine (XenVM) by installing it from a vendor installation disk ISO image that has been mounted from a network file system (NFS) share to the XenServer Host, you receive the following error message:
"Command failed. Reason: Error: Device 5696(vbd) could not be connected. Backend device not found."
Note: To access an ISO image from within a running XenVM, root access to the NFS share is not required. The above error only occurs when you try to create a XenVM by installing the operating system from a vendor installation ISO image on an NFS share without access.
The shared directory on the NFS server (where the ISO image is being accessed from) is not set to allow root access to it.
Set the NFS server to allow root access to the shared directory. This can be done by setting the no_root_squash flag to the share entry in /etc/exports file on NFS server.
For example, to share the directory /xen_iso on an NFS server with root access, the line in /etc/exports would be :
/xen_iso *(sync,rw,no_root_squash)
Ich wünsche Allen das, was sie mir auch wünschen.