Seite 14 von 14
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 28.03.2018 11:51:31
von hikaru
Ich bin gerade über "BranchScope" gestolpert. [1][2] Es soll wohl Ähnlichkeiten zu Spectre Variant 2 (CVE-2017-5715 Branch Target Injection) haben.
[2] ... n-attacks/
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 28.03.2018 14:53:54
von schorsch_76
Ups ...... Total Meltdown bei Windows [1]
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 05.04.2018 18:53:46
von NAB
Intel hat sich wohl entschlossen, alle Prozessoren, die älter als ca. 2010 (Erscheinungsjahr, nicht Kaufdatum!) sind,
nicht mit neuen Microcodes auszurüsten: ... 10772.html
Immerhin gibt es eine vollständige(?) Liste: ... idance.pdf
Für die betroffenen Prozessoren bleibt dann wohl nur Linux (oder BSD), wenn man zumindest auf Betriebssystemebene einen gewissen Schutz gegen Spectre haben möchte.
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 05.04.2018 19:42:48
von KP97
So sieht es mit 4.16.0 aus:
root@SID_A:/home/MB/Progs# ./
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.35
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 4.16.0 #1 SMP Thu Apr 5 18:09:57 CEST 2018 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100U CPU @ 2.40GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: YES
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: NO
* ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR advertises IBRS_ALL capability: NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO): NO
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 142 stepping 9 ucode 0x84)
* CPU vulnerability to the three speculative execution attacks variants
* Vulnerable to Variant 1: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 2: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 3: YES
CVE-2017-5753 [bounds check bypass] aka 'Spectre Variant 1'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (kernel confirms that the mitigation is active)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurence(s) found of 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection] aka 'Spectre Variant 2'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (kernel confirms that the mitigation is active)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS/IBPB support: YES
* Currently enabled features
* IBRS enabled for Kernel space: UNKNOWN
* IBRS enabled for User space: UNKNOWN
* IBPB enabled: UNKNOWN
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB, IBRS_FW)
CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load] aka 'Meltdown' aka 'Variant 3'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (kernel confirms that the mitigation is active)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 09.05.2018 22:54:17
von ingo2
Fortsetzung folgt - oder "the never ending story"? ... 43790.html
Spectre NG mit 8 weiteren Lücken!
Und wieder sind die Software-Entwickler die, die es ausbaden müssen

Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 22.05.2018 06:54:54
von dufty2
Spectre 3a [1] und Spectre 4 [2] sind jetzt da, vgl. auch ... 51900.html
Im Gegensatz zur Heise-Aussage ist zumindest für Linus' Kernel tree schon ein patch eingearbeitet [3].
Für und debian Kernel wird man sich wohl noch ein wenig gedulden müssen,
wie auch für ein
[1] ... 00115.html
[2] ... w-it-works
[2a] ... il?id=1528
[3] ... 4019ff1a8f
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 17.06.2018 21:23:06
von dufty2
phoronix [1] hat auf eine slideshare-Präsentation [2] eines Ubuntu-MA hingewiesen:
A Complete Look At Spectre V1/V2/V4 & Meltdown
Da ich schon die Folien nicht verstanden habe, habe ich mir die vollständige Präsentation in Form eines Youtube-Video [3] in Chinesisch erspart
[1] ... e-Meltdown
[2] ... -102527086
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 27.08.2018 12:34:52
von hikaru
Im Zuge der Microcode-Lizenz-Geschichte [1] hatte ich am Freitag auf einem Ivy-Bridge-Notebook mit Stretch/amd64 mal nachgeschaut und gesehen, dass das System immer noch als anfällig für Spectre V4 ausgewiesen ist:
Code: Alles auswählen
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass
Dabei ist es egal, ob ich dem Kernel nach [2] den Parameter
spec_store_bypass_disable=on mitgebe oder nicht. Das war vor und nach dem Update von
intel-microcode so und es spielt auch keine Rolle ob ich Kernel 4.9 oder 4.17 aus den Backports boote.
Kann das jemand erklären?
[2] ... e/Variant4
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 20.09.2018 11:12:07
von Nice
Neueste Informationen zum Thema.
Intel Microcode für Debian Stable aktualisiert: ... ualisiert/
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 23.09.2018 14:53:19
von Par@noid
hikaru hat geschrieben: 
27.08.2018 12:34:52
Im Zuge der Microcode-Lizenz-Geschichte [1] hatte ich am Freitag auf einem Ivy-Bridge-Notebook mit Stretch/amd64 mal nachgeschaut und gesehen, dass das System immer noch als anfällig für Spectre V4 ausgewiesen ist:
Code: Alles auswählen
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass
Dabei ist es egal, ob ich dem Kernel nach [2] den Parameter
spec_store_bypass_disable=on mitgebe oder nicht. Das war vor und nach dem Update von
intel-microcode so und es spielt auch keine Rolle ob ich Kernel 4.9 oder 4.17 aus den Backports boote.
Kann das jemand erklären?
[2] ... e/Variant4
So sieht es mit 4.18. aus:
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass
Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp
The processor is vulnerable and the mitigation needs to be enabled by using prctl() or seccomp().
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.39
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 4.18.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.18.8-1 (2018-09-18) x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: YES (SPEC_CTRL feature bit)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: YES
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: YES (Intel STIBP feature bit)
* Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
* CPU indicates SSBD capability: YES (Intel SSBD)
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: NO
* ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR advertises IBRS_ALL capability: NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO): NO
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO): NO
* Hypervisor indicates host CPU might be vulnerable to RSB underflow (RSBA): NO
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 0x9e family 0x6 stepping 0x9 ucode 0x8e cpuid 0x906e9)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
* Vulnerable to Variant 1: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 2: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 3: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 3a: YES
* Vulnerable to Variant 4: YES
CVE-2017-5753 [bounds check bypass] aka 'Spectre Variant 1'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurrence(s) found of x86 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm64): NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection] aka 'Spectre Variant 2'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB, IBRS_FW)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS support: YES
* IBRS enabled and active: YES (for kernel and firmware code)
* Kernel is compiled with IBPB support: YES
* IBPB enabled and active: YES
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm): NO
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
* Kernel supports RSB filling: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Full retpoline + IBPB are mitigating the vulnerability)
CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load] aka 'Meltdown' aka 'Variant 3'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTI)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Reduced performance impact of PTI: YES (CPU supports INVPCID, performance impact of PTI will be greatly reduced)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
CVE-2018-3640 [rogue system register read] aka 'Variant 3a'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (your CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability)
CVE-2018-3639 [speculative store bypass] aka 'Variant 4'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
* Kernel supports speculation store bypass: YES (found in /proc/self/status)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
MfG Par@noid
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 25.09.2018 12:53:44
von hikaru
Par@noid hat geschrieben: 
23.09.2018 14:53:19
So sieht es mit 4.18. aus:
# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/vulnerabilities/spec_store_bypass
Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp
Nach dem letzten Microcode-Update sieht es mit 4.17-bpo genauso aus.
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 05.12.2018 15:30:53
von Par@noid
Info linux kernel 4.20.0-rc5 :
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.40
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 4.20.0-rc5 #1 SMP Wed Dec 5 14:40:40 CET 2018 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
* CPU indicates SSBD capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* L1 data cache invalidation
* FLUSH_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates L1D flush capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU/Hypervisor indicates L1D flushing is not necessary on this system: UNKNOWN
* Hypervisor indicates host CPU might be vulnerable to RSB underflow (RSBA): UNKNOWN
* CPU supports Software Guard Extensions (SGX): UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 0x9e family 0x6 stepping 0x9 ucode 0x8e cpuid 0x0)
* CPU microcode is the latest known available version: UNKNOWN (couldn't get your cpuid)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5754 (Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3640 (Variant 3a, rogue system register read): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3639 (Variant 4, speculative store bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3615 (Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3620 (Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3646 (Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault): YES
CVE-2017-5753 aka 'Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurrence(s) found of x86 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm64): NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 aka 'Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB: conditional, IBRS_FW, STIBP: disabled, RSB filling)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS support: YES
* IBRS enabled and active: YES (for kernel and firmware code)
* Kernel is compiled with IBPB support: YES
* IBPB enabled and active: YES
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm): NO
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
* Kernel supports RSB filling: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Full retpoline + IBPB are mitigating the vulnerability)
CVE-2017-5754 aka 'Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTI)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Reduced performance impact of PTI: YES (CPU supports INVPCID, performance impact of PTI will be greatly reduced)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
CVE-2018-3640 aka 'Variant 3a, rogue system register read'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: NO
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (an up-to-date CPU microcode is needed to mitigate this vulnerability)
CVE-2018-3639 aka 'Variant 4, speculative store bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
* Kernel supports speculation store bypass: YES (found in /proc/self/status)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
CVE-2018-3615 aka 'Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: N/A
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (your CPU supports SGX and the microcode is not up to date)
CVE-2018-3620 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTE Inversion)
* Kernel supports PTE inversion: YES (found in kernel image)
* PTE inversion enabled and active: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: PTE Inversion)
CVE-2018-3646 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault'
* Information from the /sys interface: VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled
* This system is a host running an hypervisor: NO
* Mitigation 1 (KVM)
* EPT is disabled: NO
* Mitigation 2
* L1D flush is supported by kernel: YES (found flush_l1d in /proc/cpuinfo)
* L1D flush enabled: YES (conditional flushes)
* Hardware-backed L1D flush supported: YES (performance impact of the mitigation will be greatly reduced)
* Hyper-Threading (SMT) is enabled: NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (this system is not running an hypervisor)
> SUMMARY: CVE-2017-5753:OK CVE-2017-5715:OK CVE-2017-5754:OK CVE-2018-3640:KO CVE-2018-3639:OK CVE-2018-3615:KO CVE-2018-3620:OK CVE-2018-3646:OK
Need more detailed information about mitigation options? Use --explain
A false sense of security is worse than no security at all, see --disclaimer
MfG Par@noid

Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 12.03.2019 13:20:01
von Par@noid
Info linux kernel 5.0
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.40
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 5.0.0 #1 SMP Tue Mar 5 12:57:06 CET 2019 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
* CPU indicates SSBD capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* L1 data cache invalidation
* FLUSH_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates L1D flush capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU/Hypervisor indicates L1D flushing is not necessary on this system: UNKNOWN
* Hypervisor indicates host CPU might be vulnerable to RSB underflow (RSBA): UNKNOWN
* CPU supports Software Guard Extensions (SGX): UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 0x9e family 0x6 stepping 0x9 ucode 0x8e cpuid 0x0)
* CPU microcode is the latest known available version: UNKNOWN (couldn't get your cpuid)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5754 (Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3640 (Variant 3a, rogue system register read): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3639 (Variant 4, speculative store bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3615 (Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3620 (Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3646 (Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault): YES
CVE-2017-5753 aka 'Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurrence(s) found of x86 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm64): NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 aka 'Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB: conditional, IBRS_FW, STIBP: disabled, RSB filling)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS support: YES
* IBRS enabled and active: YES (for kernel and firmware code)
* Kernel is compiled with IBPB support: YES
* IBPB enabled and active: YES
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm): NO
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
* Kernel supports RSB filling: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Full retpoline + IBPB are mitigating the vulnerability)
CVE-2017-5754 aka 'Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTI)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Reduced performance impact of PTI: YES (CPU supports INVPCID, performance impact of PTI will be greatly reduced)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
CVE-2018-3640 aka 'Variant 3a, rogue system register read'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: NO
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (an up-to-date CPU microcode is needed to mitigate this vulnerability)
CVE-2018-3639 aka 'Variant 4, speculative store bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
* Kernel supports speculation store bypass: YES (found in /proc/self/status)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
CVE-2018-3615 aka 'Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: N/A
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (your CPU supports SGX and the microcode is not up to date)
CVE-2018-3620 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTE Inversion)
* Kernel supports PTE inversion: YES (found in kernel image)
* PTE inversion enabled and active: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: PTE Inversion)
CVE-2018-3646 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault'
* Information from the /sys interface: VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled
* This system is a host running an hypervisor: NO
* Mitigation 1 (KVM)
* EPT is disabled: NO
* Mitigation 2
* L1D flush is supported by kernel: YES (found flush_l1d in /proc/cpuinfo)
* L1D flush enabled: YES (conditional flushes)
* Hardware-backed L1D flush supported: YES (performance impact of the mitigation will be greatly reduced)
* Hyper-Threading (SMT) is enabled: NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (this system is not running an hypervisor)
> SUMMARY: CVE-2017-5753:OK CVE-2017-5715:OK CVE-2017-5754:OK CVE-2018-3640:KO CVE-2018-3639:OK CVE-2018-3615:KO CVE-2018-3620:OK CVE-2018-3646:OK
Need more detailed information about mitigation options? Use --explain
A false sense of security is worse than no security at all, see --disclaimer
MfG Par@noid
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 08.07.2019 08:53:54
von Par@noid
Info linux kernel 5.2
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.42
Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 5.2.0 #1 SMP Mon Jul 8 08:02:20 CEST 2019 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz
Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
* Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBRS capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
* PRED_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates IBPB capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
* SPEC_CTRL MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates STIBP capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
* CPU indicates SSBD capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* L1 data cache invalidation
* FLUSH_CMD MSR is available: UNKNOWN (is msr kernel module available?)
* CPU indicates L1D flush capability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Microarchitecture Data Sampling
* VERW instruction is available: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
* CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability: UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown/L1TF (RDCL_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU/Hypervisor indicates L1D flushing is not necessary on this system: UNKNOWN
* Hypervisor indicates host CPU might be vulnerable to RSB underflow (RSBA): UNKNOWN
* CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS_NO): UNKNOWN
* CPU supports Software Guard Extensions (SGX): UNKNOWN (is cpuid kernel module available?)
* CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems: NO (model 0x9e family 0x6 stepping 0x9 ucode 0xb4 cpuid 0x0)
* CPU microcode is the latest known available version: UNKNOWN (couldn't get your cpuid)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5753 (Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2017-5754 (Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3640 (Variant 3a, rogue system register read): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3639 (Variant 4, speculative store bypass): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3615 (Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3620 (Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-3646 (Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12126 (Fallout, microarchitectural store buffer data sampling (MSBDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12130 (ZombieLoad, microarchitectural fill buffer data sampling (MFBDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2018-12127 (RIDL, microarchitectural load port data sampling (MLPDS)): YES
* Vulnerable to CVE-2019-11091 (RIDL, microarchitectural data sampling uncacheable memory (MDSUM)): YES
CVE-2017-5753 aka 'Spectre Variant 1, bounds check bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec: YES (1 occurrence(s) found of x86 64 bits array_index_mask_nospec())
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch: NO
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm64): NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: __user pointer sanitization)
CVE-2017-5715 aka 'Spectre Variant 2, branch target injection'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Full generic retpoline, IBPB: conditional, IBRS_FW, STIBP: disabled, RSB filling)
* Mitigation 1
* Kernel is compiled with IBRS support: YES
* IBRS enabled and active: YES (for firmware code only)
* Kernel is compiled with IBPB support: YES
* IBPB enabled and active: YES
* Mitigation 2
* Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm): NO
* Kernel compiled with retpoline option: YES
* Kernel compiled with a retpoline-aware compiler: YES (kernel reports full retpoline compilation)
* Kernel supports RSB filling: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Full retpoline + IBPB are mitigating the vulnerability)
CVE-2017-5754 aka 'Variant 3, Meltdown, rogue data cache load'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTI)
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI): YES
* PTI enabled and active: YES
* Reduced performance impact of PTI: YES (CPU supports INVPCID, performance impact of PTI will be greatly reduced)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU: NO
CVE-2018-3640 aka 'Variant 3a, rogue system register read'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: NO
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (an up-to-date CPU microcode is needed to mitigate this vulnerability)
CVE-2018-3639 aka 'Variant 4, speculative store bypass'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
* Kernel supports disabling speculative store bypass (SSB): YES (found in /proc/self/status)
* SSB mitigation is enabled and active: YES (per-thread through prctl)
* SSB mitigation currently active for selected processes: YES (boltd firefox fwupd geoclue haveged irqbalance ModemManager redis-check-rdb systemd-journald systemd-logind systemd-udevd upowerd vnstatd)
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp)
CVE-2018-3615 aka 'Foreshadow (SGX), L1 terminal fault'
* CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability: N/A
> STATUS: VULNERABLE (your CPU supports SGX and the microcode is not up to date)
CVE-2018-3620 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (OS), L1 terminal fault'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: PTE Inversion; VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports PTE inversion: YES (found in kernel image)
* PTE inversion enabled and active: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: PTE Inversion; VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled)
CVE-2018-3646 aka 'Foreshadow-NG (VMM), L1 terminal fault'
* Information from the /sys interface: Mitigation: PTE Inversion; VMX: conditional cache flushes, SMT disabled
* This system is a host running a hypervisor: NO
* Mitigation 1 (KVM)
* EPT is disabled: NO
* Mitigation 2
* L1D flush is supported by kernel: YES (found flush_l1d in /proc/cpuinfo)
* L1D flush enabled: YES (conditional flushes)
* Hardware-backed L1D flush supported: YES (performance impact of the mitigation will be greatly reduced)
* Hyper-Threading (SMT) is enabled: NO
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (this system is not running a hypervisor)
CVE-2018-12126 aka 'Fallout, microarchitectural store buffer data sampling (MSBDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2018-12130 aka 'ZombieLoad, microarchitectural fill buffer data sampling (MFBDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2018-12127 aka 'RIDL, microarchitectural load port data sampling (MLPDS)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
CVE-2019-11091 aka 'RIDL, microarchitectural data sampling uncacheable memory (MDSUM)'
* Mitigated according to the /sys interface: YES (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
* Kernel supports using MD_CLEAR mitigation: YES (md_clear found in /proc/cpuinfo)
* Kernel mitigation is enabled and active: YES
* SMT is either mitigated or disabled: YES
> STATUS: NOT VULNERABLE (Mitigation: Clear CPU buffers; SMT disabled)
> SUMMARY: CVE-2017-5753:OK CVE-2017-5715:OK CVE-2017-5754:OK CVE-2018-3640:KO CVE-2018-3639:OK CVE-2018-3615:KO CVE-2018-3620:OK CVE-2018-3646:OK CVE-2018-12126:OK CVE-2018-12130:OK CVE-2018-12127:OK CVE-2019-11091:OK
Need more detailed information about mitigation options? Use --explain
A false sense of security is worse than no security at all, see --disclaimer
MfG Par@noid
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 15.07.2019 14:43:36
von nudgegoonies
Solange Du das Skript nicht als "root" ausführst sind die Ausgaben in der Sektion "Hardware check" ziemlich sinnfrei wegen der vielen "unknown"!
Aber generell ist die Ausgabe je nach verwendeter CPU/Firmware unterschiedlich. Darum verstehe ich ehrlich gesagt nicht, warum Du die Ausgabe von Deinem i5-7600K von jeder Kernelversion hier veröffentlichst.
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 15.07.2019 15:21:23
von Trollkirsche
Macht doch eh keinen Unterschied.
Die ganzen Drecks Hardwarelieferanten verwanzen ihre Komponenten doch absichtlich mit Backdoors und Trojaner, der Totalitarismus kennt keine Grenzen mehr.
Und was macht die Masse?
Glaubt unser System sei eine Demokratie..
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 13.03.2020 11:36:55
von hikaru
Ich grab's mal wieder aus, weil ich ein Verständnisproblem habe:
Phoronix hat gerade einen Benchmark-Artikel veröffentlicht, in dem LVI-Mitigations getestet wurden. [1] Dabei sind in vielen Benchmarks Einbußen von rund 90% zu sehen.
Soweit ich es verstanden habe, ist LVI insbesondere/ausschließlich(?) relevant für Szenarien in denen SGX [2] zum Einsatz kommt. SGX wurde mit Skylake eingeführt. Ein Skylake mit dank LVI-Mitigation nur 10% Nominalleistung wäre (abgesehen von ein paar Atoms) langsamer als Alles, was Intel seit der Einführung von amd64 auf den Markt geworfen hat. Sollte dann nicht die "billigste" Mitigation das Abschalten von SGX sein?
Ein Kommentator zu dem Artikel hat allerdings einen Vergleich zu einem Q6600 veröffentlicht. [3] Ich bin nicht ganz sicher, wie die Ergebnisse der Phoronix Test Suite zu lesen sind, aber so wie ich es verstehe, platziert sich der Q6600 etwa im Mittelfeld gegenüber den sukzessive zugeschalteten LVI-Mitigations auf dem Xeon E3-1275 v6 aus dem Phoronix-Artikel und spielt auch bei vollen Mitigations immer noch zumindest in der selben Liga. Sollte der Q6600 nicht dem voll mitigierten Xeon haushoch überlegen sein?
[1] ... perf&num=1
[3] ... Quad-Q6600
Re: Hardware-Sicherheitslücken: Meltdown und Spectre: ehem. Intel-Bug
Verfasst: 13.03.2020 11:52:49
von OrangeJuice
Kann man die Sachen die man bei Intel CPUs nicht braucht abschalten und gibt es eine Liste dafür? Ich habe tsx=off und ht=off in Grub eingetragen( -TSX).