Suche Firewall die Programmspezifisch arbeitet

Einrichten des lokalen Netzes, Verbindung zu anderen Computern und Diensten.
Beiträge: 4054
Registriert: 14.01.2005 17:51:30

Beitrag von meandtheshell » 24.03.2006 22:30:00

Transparent proxying (more commonly known as TCP hijacking) is like Network Address Translation (NAT) in some respects: It is to be avoided at all costs, and only used if there absolutely, positively, no other way.

Why? Because transparent proxying does not work very well with certain web-browsers. With most browsers you're fine, but if even a quarter of your users are using badly behaved browsers, you can expect your help desk costs to exceed any benefits you might gain from transparent proxying. Unfortunately, these browsers are in wide use.

These browsers behave differently if they are aware of a proxy -- all other browsers follow the standard, and the only change they make with a proxy is to direct the requests to a different machine and port. Badly behaved browsers leave some of the HTTP headers out of their requests, and only add them when they know there's a proxy. Without those headers, user commands like "reload" don't work if there's a proxy between the user and the source.
das Problem existiert nur mehr in dem Link (2001!)
Transparent proxying also introduces a layer of complexity, which can complicate otherwise simple transactions. For instance, a web-based application that requires an active server cannot test for the server by making a connection -- it will connect to the proxy, instead.
Einen Proxy (vorallem Squid) kann ich einrichten so das, dass nicht passiert

Du kannst mit gutem Gewissen einen transparenten Squid einrichten.


Beiträge: 553
Registriert: 07.01.2005 15:29:22

Beitrag von Neo_0815 » 24.03.2006 22:52:34

Wie gesagt - ich bin gegen transparent und für sichtbaren Proxy :-) egal ob es mittlerweile "problemlos" geht oder nicht, man kann ja auch fragen, warum transparent - man kann systemweite Vorgaben für den Proxy per Environment und Default Browserkonfiguration setzen. (wget, rsync & co könnens alle per ENV ).

