leider habe ich Probleme beim Versenden von mails per roundcube (0.9.5-4) an GMX unter Testing.
Laut log (/var/log/roundcube/smtp) scheint die Authentifizierung noch zu gelingen (DNS-Name, IP und email-Adresse habe ich verfremdet):
Die LOGGING- und SMTP-Konfiguration sieht so aus (/etc/roundcube/main.inc.php):[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 220 gmx.com (mrgmx102) Nemesis ESMTP Service ready
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Send: EHLO foo.no-ip.biz
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 250-gmx.com Hello foo.no-ip.biz [xx.xxx.xxx.xx]
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 250-SIZE 69920427
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 250 STARTTLS
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Send: AUTH LOGIN
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Recv: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
[03-May-2014 13:33:50 +0200]: Send: emVuc2llcnQK
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Send: emVuc2llcnQK
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 235 Authentication succeeded
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Send: MAIL FROM:<bar@gmx.de>
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 550-Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 550 Insufficient security or privacy level.
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Send: RSET
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 250 OK
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Send: QUIT
[03-May-2014 13:33:51 +0200]: Recv: 221 gmx.com Service closing transmission channel
Code: Alles auswählen
$rcmail_config['debug_level'] = 8;
$rcmail_config['smtp_log'] = true;
$rcmail_config['smtp_server'] = 'mail.gmx.net';
// SMTP port (default is 25; use 587 for STARTTLS or 465 for the
// deprecated SSL over SMTP (aka SMTPS))
$rcmail_config['smtp_port'] = 587;
// SMTP username (if required) if you use %u as the username Roundcube
// will use the current username for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_user'] = 'meinGmxLogin';
// SMTP password (if required) if you use %p as the password Roundcube
// will use the current user's password for login
$rcmail_config['smtp_pass'] = 'meinPasswort';
// SMTP AUTH type (DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN or empty to use
// best server supported one)
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_type'] = '';
// Optional SMTP authentication identifier to be used as authorization proxy
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_cid'] = null;
// Optional SMTP authentication password to be used for smtp_auth_cid
$rcmail_config['smtp_auth_pw'] = null;
// SMTP HELO host
// Hostname to give to the remote server for SMTP 'HELO' or 'EHLO' messages
// Leave this blank and you will get the server variable 'server_name' or
// localhost if that isn't defined.
$rcmail_config['smtp_helo_host'] = '';
// SMTP connection timeout, in seconds. Default: 0 (no limit)
$rcmail_config['smtp_timeout'] = 0;
- Login funktioniert mit gleichem User/PW per Browser
- Versenden per Thunderbird funktioniert
- Abholen von mails per pop3 (fetchmail) funktioniert
Habe Username und passwort durch "emVuc2llcnQK" ersetzt. Empfehle trotzdem dringend das Passwort zu ändern. --wanne