[Geloest] VM per Shell starten: vmrun -- Syntax?

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Beiträge: 71
Registriert: 24.02.2010 18:37:03

[Geloest] VM per Shell starten: vmrun -- Syntax?

Beitrag von ingsoc » 08.09.2010 11:56:28

Wie hier nachzulesen, setze ich VMWare Server 2.0 auf meinem Debian als Host ein. Als Gast wird Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server gefahren. Das funktioniert auch alles einwandfrei. Nur wollte ich nun folgendes einrichten:

ICh moechte, dass beim Systemstart automatisch auch Windows 2000 hochgefahren wird. Wie ich den Autostart hinbekomme, weiss ich auch, nur wie ich die VM hochfahre - den dazu notwendigen Befehl oder besser gesagt die Syntax - kenne ich nicht. Ich weiss nur so viel, dass ich das Ganze mit dem Grundbefehl vmrun loesen muss.
Manual [b]vmrun[/b] hat geschrieben:vmrun version 2.0.2 build-203138


These must appear before the command and any command parameters.

-h <hostName> (not needed for Workstation)
-P <hostPort> (not needed for Workstation)
-T <hostType> (ws|server|server1)
for example, use '-T server' for Server 2.0
use '-T server1' for Server 1.0
-u <userName in host OS> (not needed for Workstation)
-p <password in host OS> (not needed for Workstation)
-gu <userName in guest OS>
-gp <password in guest OS>

-------------- ---------- -----------
start Path to vmx file Start a VM

stop Path to vmx file Stop a VM

reset Path to vmx file Reset a VM

suspend Path to vmx file Suspend a VM

pause Path to vmx file Pause a VM

unpause Path to vmx file Unpause a VM

----------------- ---------- -----------
snapshot Path to vmx file Create a snapshot of a VM
Snapshot name

deleteSnapshot Path to vmx file Remove a snapshot from a VM
Snapshot name

revertToSnapshot Path to vmx file Set VM state to a snapshot
Snapshot name

---------------------- ---------- -----------
beginRecording Path to vmx file Begin recording a VM
Snapshot name

endRecording Path to vmx file End recording a VM

beginReplay Path to vmx file Begin replaying a VM
Snapshot name

endReplay Path to vmx file End replaying a VM

----------------- ---------- -----------
runProgramInGuest Path to vmx file Run a program in Guest OS
[Program arguments]

fileExistsInGuest Path to vmx file Check if a file exists in Guest OS
Path to file in guest

setSharedFolderState Path to vmx file Modify a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name
Host path
writable | readonly

addSharedFolder Path to vmx file Add a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name
New host path

removeSharedFolder Path to vmx file Remove a Host-Guest shared folder
Share name

listProcessesInGuest Path to vmx file List running processes in Guest OS

killProcessInGuest Path to vmx file Kill a process in Guest OS
process id

runScriptInGuest Path to vmx file Run a script in Guest OS
Interpreter path

deleteFileInGuest Path to vmx file Delete a file in Guest OS
Path in guest

createDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file Create a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

deleteDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file Delete a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

listDirectoryInGuest Path to vmx file List a directory in Guest OS
Directory path in guest

copyFileFromHostToGuest Path to vmx file Copy a file from host OS to guest OS
Path on host
Path in guest

copyFileFromGuestToHost Path to vmx file Copy a file from guest OS to host OS
Path in guest
Path on host

renameFileInGuest Path to vmx file Rename a file in Guest OS
Original name
New name

captureScreen Path to vmx file Capture the screen of the VM to a local file
Path on host

writeVariable Path to vmx file Write a variable in the VM state
variable name
variable value

readVariable Path to vmx file Read a variable in the VM state
variable name

--------------- ---------- -----------
vprobeVersion Path to vmx file List VP version

vprobeLoad Path to vmx file Load VP script
'VP script text'

vprobeReset Path to vmx file Disable all vprobes

vprobeListProbes Path to vmx file List probes

vprobeListGlobals Path to vmx file List global variables

---------------- ---------- -----------
list List all running VMs

upgradevm Path to vmx file Upgrade VM file format, virtual hw

installtools Path to vmx file Install Tools in Guest

register Path to vmx file Register a VM

unregister Path to vmx file Unregister a VM

listRegisteredVM List registered VMs

clone Path to vmx file Create a copy of the VM
Path to destination vmx file
[Snapshot name]


Starting a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host
vmrun -T ws start "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx"

Stopping a virtual machine with Server on a linux host
vmrun -T server -h https://myHost.com/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword stop "[storage1] vm/myVM.vmx"

Running a program in a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host with Windows guest
vmrun -T ws -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" "c:\Program Files\myProgram.exe"

Running a program in a virtual machine with Server on a linux host with linux guest
vmrun -T server -h https://myHost.com/sdk -u hostUser -p hostPassword -gu guestUser -gp guestPassword runProgramInGuest "[storage1] vm/myVM.vmx" /usr/bin/X11/xclock -display :0

Creating a snapshot of a virtual machine with Workstation on a Windows host
vmrun -T ws snapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot

Reverting to a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host
vmrun -T ws revertToSnapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot

Deleting a snapshot with Workstation on a Windows host
vmrun -T ws deleteSnapshot "c:\my VMs\myVM.vmx" mySnapshot
Nun habe ich folgendes ausprobiert:

Code: Alles auswählen

user@server:~$ vmrun -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk start /var/vm/w2kas/w2kas.vmx
Error: Unknown error
user@server:~$ vmrun -T ws start /var/vm/w2kas/w2kas.vmx
Error: The specified service provider was not found
user@server:~$ vmrun -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk start "w2kas w2kas.vmx"
Error: Unknown error
Was mache ich falsch / was fehlt?

Vielen Dank fuer jeden hilfreichen Hinweis.
Zuletzt geändert von ingsoc am 08.09.2010 12:07:21, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 71
Registriert: 24.02.2010 18:37:03

Re: VM per Shell starten: vmrun -- Syntax?

Beitrag von ingsoc » 08.09.2010 12:07:04

Ohje, irgendwie verfolgt mich das "Kurz nach Fragestellung selbst auf Loesung kommen"-Phaenomen.
Die Loesung ist simpel:

Code: Alles auswählen

user@server:~$ vmrun -T server -h https://localhost:8333/sdk -u "user" -p "password" start "[standard] w2kas/w2kas.vmx"
Nun habe ich diesen Befehl in die Datei /etc/inittab entspr. mit aufgenommen, inkl. Herunterfahren des Gasts beim Herunterfahren des Systems. Danke fuer die Aufmerksamkeit.
