mit folgender Anleitung kann ich eine WPA Verschlüsselung mit den Zydas zd1211 Wlan Chipsatz bei Debian Etch einirchten.
Der Knetworkmanager kann so nicht genutzt werden.As some may know who have been following my postings in this forum- getting my ZD1211-based USB wireless (Belkin model) properly defined, activated, and working has been somewhat of a challenge, Reference: , and
Have even written directly to the Debian maintainer for ZD1211 services (Robert Jordens) updating him on existing Etch issues and requesting a variety of actions. And have been in on-going contact with the Kernel zd1211rw developers (Daniel Drake, et. al.), just to make sure I'm covering all appropriate bases..
A key additional set of data, which I've been requested to provide is exactly what: files, data, and mechanisms I employed to sucessfully activate-utilize my ZD1211 wireless component. Highlights of this info are:
1. Read and reference the following Debian Wireless-WPA materials: , and ... rev=0&sc=0
- the above "pkg-wpa" reference is critical
2. Download the Vendor-based ZD1211 USB WLAN Linux Driver from:
a. as noted on the web page- current driver can be extracted/downloaded via subversion: svn export zd1211
3. Update the downloaded Vendor-based driver only if you truly have a "b" variant of ZD1211. A somewhat dated reference for background on this is at:
(note- the driver download references in this article have now been consolidated to the Sourceforge link given previously)
4. Compile-Install the downloaded (and maybe "b" adjusted module), and if install AOK:
a. do a "depmod zd1211b" to load/activate (for me, I have the "b" variant"); and a lsmod to verify that your new zd1211 module is present
b. Critical Note: chose the make-make install area carefully! This driver is a self-contained module and firmware package; and absolute references are established in the generated module for firmware location. This location is directly referenced during network interface activate. So select a folder in your root directory or a protected folder in your home directory- if this EVER gets impacted, you can be assured your wireless interface will be a problem (along with screwy errors..)
5. You should now be able to actually activate your wireless interface via: ifconfig wlan0 up and iwconfig wlan0
6. For WPA functionality, two additional items are required: WPA entries in your wlan0 interface and a created-defined wpa_supplicant.conf file
a. my /etc/network/interfaces is defined as follows:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# RGR added 26-Jun-07; updated 02-Jul-07
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid yourssid
wpa-key-mgmgt WPA-PSK
wpa-psk yourpsk
wpa-proto WPA
wpa-driver wext
b. Defined-created my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file as:
7. For me, I then re-booted to fully validate: interface activate, firmware load, dhcp services, and interface on-line. Luckily it all worked.... Hopefully this data can be of use to other parties with a Debian Etch ZD1211 wireless network environment. Enjoy!
Wenn ich meinen Zydas zd1211 Wlan Chipsatz mit ndiswrapper einrichte kann ich eine WPA-Verschlüsselung einrichten.
Nutze ich den Linuxtreiber für den Zydas zd1211 kann ich mein Netzwerk zwar sehen, eine WPA-Verschlüsselung meines Zugangs ist leider mir nicht möglich. Die Firmware non-free von Lenny/sid und die von Etch wurden ausprobiert.
Ist mit dem Zydas zd1211, dem Linuxtreiber und Knetworkmanager eine WPA-Verschlüsselung möglich?
Nutzt das jemand in dieser Konfiguraiton?
Zweites Problem:
Zydas wurde von Atheros übernommen.
Kann ich, sollte ich die Atheros-Treiber nutzen? So wie dasrauslese wurde nur der Name von dem zd1211 geändert, nicht die Technik.
lsusb zeigt einen zd1211 an.
Mein zd1211 funktioniert aber nur mit dem Kernelmodul zd1211rw, das Kernelmodul zd1211 muß ich in die blacklist eintragen.
Folgenden Hinweis von linuxwireless habe ich bisher nicht befolgt:
Firmware is pulled from userspace, get the files here
Debian users beware: don't use the the zd1211-firmware package, as this is for Debian's fork of the vendor-based driver
Bisher funktionierte mein Konfiguration immer mit Debian-Hausmitteln.
Nutzt jemand den vendor-based-Driver?
mfg nonoo
Edit ... hostif=USB ... -usb-wlan/