eth0 sollte eth0 sein....
ich habe mittlerweilen einen anderen Ansatz gefunden...Das scheint ein Netzwerkproblem zu sein, welches irgendwie mit unterschiedlichen Paketgrößen zusammenhägt!?
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"There's a problem that many people have had with fast server cards and slow client cards when a 2.6.x kernel is used on the server.
The message is something like:
nfs warning: server not responding
The problem is caused by the 2.6 kernels using a large default blocksize for NFS packets. The 2.6 kernels use 32k blocks, where the older kernels used 8k blocks. What happens is the 32k byte blocks need to be broken down into 1500 byte datagrams. Simple math will tell you that you need a whole lot more 1500 byte datagrams to make up a full 32kbyte block. Sending those datagrams to a 10mbit card takes too long for all of the datagrams to get there, so the NFS client times out before getting all of the fragments.
Fortunately, there's an easy fix.
You need to pass some options to the client to tell it to use smaller block sizes for NFS. "
Quelle: ... responding dem vorgeschlagenen Erweiterung in der "pxelinux.cfg/default" mit 'NFSOPTS="-o etx"' oder 'MOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048' funktionierts auch nicht.