ich habe hier eine gemischte Server-Umgebung (RedHat / Debian / Solaris) und alle sollen Ihre Logs an einen einzelnen Server schicken. Das Ganze mache ich mit syslog-ng, was soweit auch klappt, nur scheitere ich am stunnel.
Die Anleitung habe ich von hier: http://www.stefanux.de/wiki/doku.php/software/syslog-ng.
Der Connect findet grundsätzlich statt, nur kommen ssl Fehler.
Hier die vom Server:
Code: Alles auswählen
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083155136]: 5140 accepted FD=7 from
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: 5140 started
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: FD 7 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: FD 8 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: FD 9 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: Connection from permitted by libwrap
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083155136]: Cleaning up the signal pipe
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG5[31923:3083152304]: 5140 connected from
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG6[31923:3083155136]: Child process 891 finished with code 0
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): before/accept initialization
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): SSLv3 read client hello A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): SSLv3 write server hello A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): SSLv3 write certificate A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): SSLv3 write certificate request A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL state (accept): SSLv3 flush data
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: SSL alert (read): fatal: bad certificate
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG3[31923:3083152304]: SSL_accept: 14094412: error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG5[31923:3083152304]: Connection reset: 0 bytes sent to SSL, 0 bytes sent to socket
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[31923:3083152304]: 5140 finished (0 left)
Code: Alles auswählen
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: Context set: 945 (dropped) -> 1
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: Current context: 1
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: Releasing context 945
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: ssyslog accepted FD=0 from
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: Creating a new context
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:1]: Context 946 created
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: Context swap: 1 -> 946
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: ssyslog started
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: FD 0 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: FD 1 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: FD 2 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: Connection from permitted by libwrap
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG5[20026:946]: ssyslog connected from
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: FD 1 in non-blocking mode
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: ssyslog connecting
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: connect_wait: waiting 10 seconds
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: connect_wait: connected
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: Remote FD=1 initialized
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: SSL state (connect): before/connect initialization
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write client hello A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:0]: Cleaning up the signal pipe
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG6[20026:0]: Child process 18037 finished with code 0
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read server hello A
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG4[20026:946]: VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=self signed certificate: *******
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: SSL alert (write): fatal: bad certificate
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG3[20026:946]: SSL_connect: 14090086: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: ssyslog finished (0 left)
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG5[20026:946]: stack_info: size=65536, current=5476 (8%), maximum=5904 (9%)
2008.04.08 12:43:34 LOG7[20026:946]: Context 946 closed
Danke und schönen Gruß