ich erhalte folgende Meldung:
die festplatte scheint aber komplett herunter zu fahren....
nun hab ich nen bissl gegoogeld und gelesen, das es zu defekten der platte kommen kann,
wenn diese nicht korrekt ausgeschaltet wird...
hier die quelleAs I said above, if you are very nervous, then the easiest complete fix is to downgrade your kernel (say to 2.6.18-5 from Etch). I'm not an expert on the issue, but here's my rough understanding: the kernel (as of 2.6.22) issues a shutdown sequence and the operating system also initiates a shutdown sequence (as it always used to). The two overlapping sequences get f&*$%ed up (that's the technical term), and the system can (1) get told (by one side) to spindown, (2) get a command (from the other side) that causes it to spin up again and then (3) get a final command to shut down entirely (and quickly?!?). The result is a hard change in direction that can cause a noticeable clunk on some drives. You do that enough times and your drive is f&*$%ed. However, a few people on a kernel irc channel said that "enough times" means in the hundreds.
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... ty-583307/
heisst das soviel wie.... besser beim alten bleiben???
und kann die platte davon kaputt gehen?