ich habe leider das Kommando für (da ich nicht nochmals tippen möchte ein Auszug aus einem Chat von #debian)
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(17:39:58) meandtheshell: I've forgotten how to pass a prefix command to a subsequent command on the CLI with bash e.g. I want to get `cd ..' executed twice but I don't want to do `cd .. RET cd .. RET' but `<the prefix I forgot> cd .. RET'
(17:40:50) qbit: cd ../../ :D
(17:40:58) hugh left the room (quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer).
(17:42:24) hugh [hugh@] entered the room.
(17:42:40) meandtheshell: qbit: well, yes but no - I am looking for the common approach - as I said I simply forgot it ...
(17:43:08) kanru [~kanru@218-163-173-3.dynamic.hinet.net] entered the room.
(17:43:16) qbit: "!!" will run the last command
(17:43:23) qbit: but that's not the prefix
(17:43:43) meandtheshell: qbit: exactly
(17:44:20) meandtheshell: !<command>, !!, etc. are quite nice but I am looking for the above