Von Grub zu Lilo wechseln

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Registriert: 26.09.2006 17:12:14

Von Grub zu Lilo wechseln

Beitrag von bishop2k3 » 07.10.2006 22:36:56

Hallo zusammem,

wie kann man vom "standard"-Grub zu Lilo wechseln? (Debian Sarge)

Folgendes habe ich bis jetzt gemacht!

1. Lilo per apt-get installiert
2. liloconfig und die Fragen folgenden beantwortet:
LILO, the LInux LOader, sets up your system to boot Linux directly
from your hard disk, without the need for a boot floppy.

You must do three things to make the Linux system boot from the
hard disk. Install a partition boot record, install a master boot
record, and set the partition active. You'll be asked to perform
each of these tasks. You may skip any or all of them, and perform
them manually later on.

This will result in Linux being booted by default from the hard disk.
If your setup is complicated or unusual you should consider writing your
own customised /etc/lilo.conf. To do this you should exit this configuration
program and refer to the comprehensive lilo documentation, which can be
found in /usr/share/doc/lilo/.

Install a partition boot record to boot Linux from /dev/hda1? [Yes] Yes

Creating small lilo.conf and running lilo.
Use LBA32 for addressing big disks using new BIOS features ? [Yes] Yes

Searching for installed kernels and updating image entries ...
The following is the list of the available bitmaps:

1. /boot/sarge.bmp
2. /boot/sid.bmp
3. /boot/coffee.bmp
4. /boot/debianlilo.bmp

Enter the number of the bitmap: 4
Warning: Unable to determine video adapter in use in the present system.
Added Lin_2.6.8img0 *

A master boot record is required to run the partition boot record.
If you are already using a boot manager, and want to keep it,
answer "no" to the following question. If you don't know
what a boot manager is or whether you have one, answer "yes".
Install a master boot record on /dev/hda? [No] Yes

Installing MBR on /dev/hda
ERROR: install-mbr failed! Your system may not be bootable.
debian:~# lilo
Warning: Unable to determine video adapter in use in the present system.
Added Lin_2.6.8img0 *

Beiträge: 3227
Registriert: 29.08.2004 00:01:05
Wohnort: Montsalvat

Re: Von Grub zu Lilo wechseln

Beitrag von Lohengrin » 09.10.2006 18:26:19

bishop2k3 hat geschrieben:Installing MBR on /dev/hda
ERROR: install-mbr failed! Your system may not be bootable.
Verbietet dein Bios das Beschreiben des MBR?
