Hallo erstmal
also ich hab mir den Unreal3.1.5.1 heruntergeladen und entpackt
./Setup ausgführt und die Konfiguration gemacht
will ich den Ircserver starten mit ./ircd kommt die folgende fehler meldung
[error] Couldn't load networks/roxnet.network !!!
| **** ERROR **** |
| Possible problems: |
| (1) IRCd already running. |
| (2) The correct IP was not placed in the |
| M:line of the ircd.conf. |
| (3) DPATH or SPATH's are incorrect. Run |
| ./Config to correct that. |
| (4) Someone else is running an ircd on the |
| default port you chose in ircd.conf. |
| If you can't get Unreal IRCd to work - go |
| to /server irc.flirt.org and join |
| #UnrealIRCd or mail us at |
| unreal-support@lists.sourceforge.net |
vielleicht hat jemand ja ne lösung