Da wir bald eine 260 mann lan veranstalten und es ja immerwieder probleme mit viren gibt, die sich verbreiten, wollte ich auf der LAN wireshark ( ethereal ) mitlaufen lassen und bestimmte filter einstellen, dass er nur pakete anzeigt, die auf verdächtigen ports etc ankommen um zu sehen, ob da wer gummiwürmchen verschickt.
gibt es da vllt vordefinierte filter irgendwo? Weil das ist schon ne menge arbeit des alles herauszufinden auf was er genau am besten scannen muss.
Fertige Filter für ethereal, der auf Viren/Würmer filtert
- me
- Beiträge: 868
- Registriert: 30.10.2005 00:14:23
- Lizenz eigener Beiträge: GNU General Public License
- Wohnort: Paderborn
Fertige Filter für ethereal, der auf Viren/Würmer filtert
Anytime if we think we were right,
we were maybe wrong.
we were maybe wrong.
Nein, ist auch kein Virenscanner, sondern ein Intrusion Detection System. apt-get install snort sollte eigentlich ausreichen. Ich sehe jeden Tag Unmengen an M$-Alarmen, obwohl wir ein Linux-Shop sind.
Die meisten Rules-Updates betreffen, wen wunderts, MS$-Produkte - hier ein Teil des Letzten: VRT Certified Rules Update 2006-08-09
Code: Alles auswählen
snort[17001]: [1:2003:8] MS-SQL Worm propagation attempt [Classification: Misc Attack] [Priority: 2]: {UDP} ->
nids1 snort[17001]: [1:2004:7] MS-SQL Worm propagation attempt OUTBOUND [Classification: Misc Attack] [Priority: 2]: {UDP} ->
Aug 10 20:36:12 nids1 snort[17001]: [122:3:0] (portscan) TCP Portsweep {PROTO255} ->
Code: Alles auswählen
The Sourcefire VRT has added multiple rules to detect attempts to exploit vulnerabilities in the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-040
A buffer overflow condition in the Microsoft Windows Server Service may allow a remote attacker to execute code of their choosing on a target system. The overflow condition can be triggered by malformed requests to the service accessing certain functions.
Rules to detect attacks against these vulnerabilities are included in this rule pack and are identified as sids 7209 through 7304.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-042
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in the way that Microsoft Internet Explorer handles ActiveX controls. It may be possible for an attacker to execute code of their choosing on a system using Internet Explorer.
Rules to detect attacks against these vulnerabilities are included in this rule pack and are identified as sids 7425 through 7501.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-043
Microsoft Internet Explorer contains a programming error in the way that it processes MIME HTML links (mhtml). This error may allow an attacker to overflow a fixed length buffer and execute code of their choosing on an affected host.
Rules to detect attacks against this vulnerability were released on 13 June 2006 and are identified as sids 6509 and 6510.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-044
Microsoft Management Console is prone to a cross site scripting attack that may allow an attacker to execute code of their choosing on a system and gain unauthorized administrative access to an affected host.
Rules to detect attacks against these vulnerabilities are included in
this rule pack and are identified as sids 7422 through 7424.
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-046
Multiple vulnerabilities exist in the way that Microsoft Internet Explorer handles ActiveX controls. It may be possible for an attacker to execute code of their choosing on a system using Internet Explorer.
Rules to detect attacks against these vulnerabilities are included in this rule pack and are identified as sids 7439 and 7440. In addition, sid 7004 released on 6 July 2006 also pertains to this issue.
A detailed advisory as well as a complete list of modified and deleted rules is available at