Habe heute ein "dist-upgrade" gemacht.
So weit, so gut. Aber dann ging es an das kernel-image !
Dabei kam folgende Meldung ( sorry für die Länge ):
Code: Alles auswählen
Setting up kernel-image-2.6.8-2-k7 (2.6.8-16sarge1) ...
You are attempting to install a kernel version that is the same as
the version you are currently running (version 2.6.8-2-k7). The modules
list is quite likely to have been changed, and the modules dependency
file /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-k7/modules.dep needs to be re-built. It can
not be built correctly right now, since the module list for the
running kernel are likely to be different from the kernel installed.
I am creating a new modules.dep file, but that may not be
correct. It shall be regenerated correctly at next reboot.
I repeat: you have to reboot in order for the modules file to be
created correctly. Until you reboot, it may be impossible to load
some modules. Reboot as soon as this install is finished (Do not
reboot right now, since you may not be able to boot back up until
installation is over, but boot immediately after). I can not stress
that too much. You need to reboot soon.
Please Hit return to continue.
Not touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled (2.6.8-16)
Not updating image symbolic links since we are being updated (2.6.8-16)
Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub .
Testing for an existing GRUB menu.list file... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst .
Searching for splash image... none found, skipping...
Found kernel: /vmlinuz-2.6.8-2-k7
Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done
Könnt Ihr mir das vielleicht nochmal genauer erklären, um sicher zu gehen das ich es wirklich verstanden habe ?