Ich habe auf Debian Sarge Jabberd 1.4.3 mit apt-get install installiert. Normal (ohne SSL) klappt alles, nur wenn ich bei meinem Client SSL aktiviere, erhalte ich folgende Meldungen im Log:
Code: Alles auswählen
20051201T00:13:28: [warn] (io_select): is being connection rate limited - the connection attempts from this IP exceed the rate limit defined in jabberd config
20051201T00:13:28: [warn] (io_select): is being connection rate limited - the connection attempts from this IP exceed the rate limit defined in jabberd config
20051201T00:13:28: [warn] (io_select): is being connection rate limited - the connection attempts from this IP exceed the rate limit defined in jabberd config
20051201T00:13:29: [warn] (io_select): is being connection rate limited - the connection attempts from this IP exceed the rate limit defined in jabberd config
Irgendwelche Ideen?