Hallo ich wollte jetzt Udrec installieren um Filme von meiner Dbox aufzunehmen aber bei der Instalaltion bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung obwohl ich als SU angemeldet bin! Was mache ich falsch?
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
15572. stuff.add(""+(options[41]+17));
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
15901. for (;i<IDs.size();i++) { // new ID arrived, save for PMT
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
15902. if (newID==(0xFF&Integer.parseInt(IDs.get(i).toString())))
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
15924. if (i==IDs.size()) {
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
15947. IDs.add(""+newID2);
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
16153. Object[] ID = IDs.toArray();
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
16187. for (int a=0;video && cBox[23].isSelected() && a<stuff.size();a++) {
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
16188. mpg.seek(Long.parseLong(stuff.get(a).toString()));
*** Semantic Error: The type "java.util.Arrays$ArrayList" has private access and is not accessible here.
16191. mpg.close();
*** Semantic Error: This statement is unreachable.
udrec Fehlermeldung bei Java
- SubOptimal
- Beiträge: 1709
- Registriert: 10.01.2005 23:25:46
- Lizenz eigener Beiträge: GNU Free Documentation License
- Wohnort: bei Frankfurt