ich habe ************ Probleme mit backup2l, aber seht selbst:
Code: Alles auswählen
backup2l -b
/usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 103: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 103: `POST_BACKUP ()'
Code: Alles auswählen
# /usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 95: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
# /usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 95: `mysqldump -A --add-locks -u root --password=******** > /home/backup/sql/sql.dump'
Code: Alles auswählen
# Pre-/Post-backup functions
# This user-defined bash function is executed before a backup is made
echo "pre-backup:"
# e. g., shut down some mail/db servers if their files are to be backup'ed
# On a Debian system, the following statements dump a machine-readable list of
# all installed packages to a file.
#echo "---writing dpkg selections to /root/dpkg-selections.log..."
#dpkg --get-selections | diff - /root/dpkg-selections.log > /dev/null || dpkg --get-selections > /root/dpkg-selections.log
# mysql dump
echo "dumping mysqldatabase"
#mysqldump -A --add-locks -u root --password=********* > /home/backup/sql/sql.dump
echo "end dumping DB"
# /usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 95: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
# /usr/sbin/backup2l: /etc/backup2l.conf: line 95: `mysqldump -A --add-locks -u root --password=******* > /home/backup/sql/sql.dump'
# This user-defined bash function is executed after a backup is made
# e. g., restart some mail/db server if its files are to be backup'ed
#cd /home/backup/
#nice -19 sh backup
#tail -n 40 /home/backup/backup.log | mail -s "server - backup" xxx@xxx.de
# Misc.
# Create a backup when invoked without arguments?
Ich habe es installiert mit apt-get und habe Debian sarge mit einem eigenen Kernel.
Ansonsten ist fast alles Standart. Normal dürfte da doch kein Fehler kommen??
Doe Config ist Standartmäßig ja so.
Ein neuer Tag und noch mal alles von vorne gemacht. Nun passt es.