meine ISDN Einwahl hat ein seltsames Verhalten. Es kappt in der Regel nach 15 MInuten (hier im Beispiel nach 26 Minuten) die Verbindung ohne das ich das moechte.
Ich starte die Verbindung manuell ueber das ISDNButton GUI wo ich ein script zum Verbinden habe
und eines zum Auflegen habe#! /bin/bash
/usr/sbin/isdnctrl dial ippp0
echo "ISDN on"
Meine "/etc/isdn/device.ippp0" siehst so aus (ab dem interessanten Teil)#! /bin/bash
/usr/sbin/isdnctrl hangup ippp0
echo "ISDN off"
Wie ihr seht habe ich die hungtimeout auf 560 Sekunden gestellt, was aber kaum Auswirkungen zeigtDIALMODE=manual # XXX_ other values can be 'on' and 'off'
# Encapsulation (default is syncppp for ipppX devices, rawip for isdnX devices)
# Change the next four lines if you need some other value.
if expr ${device} : ippp > /dev/null
then ENCAP=syncppp
else ENCAP=rawip
# Configuration (start)
case "$dowhat" in
# XXX_
# If running kernel 2.0.31 or higher, enable the IP dynamic hack
# (if needed). See linux/Documentation/networking/ip_dynaddr.txt .
# Default is: enabled. If you have static IP numbers, you can remove
# the next line.
[ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr ] && echo 5 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
# First you need to create the interface
if $slave
then isdnctrl addslave ${masterdevice} ${device}
else isdnctrl addif ${device}
# eaz name num
# Set the EAZ (German 1TR6 protocol) or MSN (Euro-ISDN E-DSS1) for
# interface "name" to "num". For an EAZ this is only one digit, for a
# MSN "num" is the whole MSN.
# In the Netherlands this includes the areacode, but not the leading 0.
# (other countries?)
isdnctrl eaz ${device} $LOCALMSN
# addphone name out num
# Set the phone number(s) of the remote site for the IP-interface
: # addphone name out num
# Set the phone number(s) of the remote site for the IP-interface
# "name". More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
# repeatedly. If more than one number is set these will be tried one
# after another. When using an german SPV-type connection, with a
# ICN-card, the number has to be preceeded by a capital S.
# This is the "normal" number.
if [ ! -z "$REMOTEMSN" ]; then
for MSN in $REMOTEMSN; do
isdnctrl addphone ${device} out $LEADINGZERO$MSN
# addphone name in num
# Set the phone number(s) that the IP-interface "name" is supposed to
# accept for incoming calls. If no number is given, incoming calls are
# disabled. More than one number can be set by calling isdnctrl addphone
# repeatedly. Also wildcards can be used (see below).
# In the Netherlands (and elsewhere?),
# this is with areacode but without leading 0
#if [ ! -z "$REMOTEMSN" ]; then
# for MSN in $REMOTEMSN; do
# isdnctrl addphone ${device} in $MSN
# done
# secure name on|off
# Turns on or off the security feature for interface "name". If set to
# on, incoming calls will only be accepted if the calling number has
# been added to the access list with isdnctrl addphone name in.
isdnctrl secure ${device} on
# huptimeout name seconds
# Set the hangup timeout for interface "name" to "seconds". If there
# is inactivity (i.e. no traffic on the interface) for the given time
# the driver automatically shuts down the connection.
# Default is 60 seconds
isdnctrl huptimeout ${device} 560 # XXX_
Hier noch "/var/log/syslog"
Sieht jemand den Fehler??Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa isdnlog: Feb 02 16:53:22 tei 87 calling 0192072 with +49 6205/xxxxxx, Hockenheim Normal call clearing
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: Modem hangup
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: Connection terminated.
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0, linkunit: 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: sent [0][LCP TermReq id=0x2 6c 69 6e 6b 20 63 6c 6f 73 65 64]
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: LCP is down
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: closing fd 10 from unit 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: reinit_unit: 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa ipppd[662]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 10
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa isdnlog: Feb 02 16:53:22 tei 87 calling 0192072 with +49 6205/xxxxxx, Hockenheim HANGUP (5 EH EUR 0.050 0:26:40 I= 2.0Mb O=297.1Kb)
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: isdn_ppp_free 0 dd9b8e00 dd9b8e00
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp0: remote hangup
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: isdn_ppp_poll: minor: 128
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp, open, slot: 1, minor: 0, state: 0000
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp_ccp: allocated reset data structure cc1a7800
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: isdn_ppp_ioctl: minor: 0 cmd: 80047441 state: 1
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: isdn_ppp_poll: minor: 128
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp: release, minor: 0 0
Feb 2 16:53:22 zappa kernel: ippp_ccp: freeing reset data structure dce7b000
Feb 2 16:53:23 zappa kernel: isdn_net: ippp0: dial rejected: interface not in dialmode `auto', signalling dst_link_failure
Feb 2 16:53:23 zappa kernel: isdn_ppp_poll: minor: 128