hisax type=20
Die Installlation war o.k.
Danach habe ich alles mit isdnconf eingerichtet.
Leider aber:
debian:/home/ich# /etc/init.d/isdnutils start
* Starting ISDN services...
* error:
* Neither /dev/isdninfo nor /dev/isdn/isdninfo exist!
* Before you can use any ISDN facilities, ensure you have the proper kernel * modules loaded. These will probably be 'isdn' and 'hisax'.
* Read /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz for more information
* (e.g. with 'zless /usr/share/doc/isdnutils-base/README.HiSax.gz').
Und beim Einwahlversuch:
debian:/home/ich# isdnctrl dial ippp0
Can't open /dev/isdninfo or /dev/isdn/isdninfo: No such file or directory
Was ist da falsch??