Jetzt ist die Situation eingetroffen, die ich nie wollte: Ein Internetzugang über ISDN muß her !
Habe mir aus zwei Büchern und einem HowTo Info`s gezogen und bin danach vorgegangen.
Die ISDN-Karte ( AVM FritzCard ) war während der Installation ( sarge ) bereits eingebaut, so das die Module installiert wurden.
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0000:01:08.0 Network controller: AVM Audiovisuelles MKTG & Computer System GmbH A1 ISDN [Fritz] (rev 02)
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hisax_fcpcipnp 12096 0
hisax_isac 9236 1 hisax_fcpcipnp
hisax 578768 2 hisax_fcpcipnp,hisax_isac
crc_ccitt 2176 1 hisax
isdn 146700 1 hisax
slhc 7872 1 isdn
Bei isdnconfig habe ich die ersten zwei Punkte mit ippp0 angegeben.
In der ipppd.ippp0 habe ich die "4. Zeile mit dem echo ..." gelöscht.
Weiterhin habe ich bei
AUTHENTICIATION meinen Benutzernamen vom Provider eingetragen.
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[ Benutzername ] # set local name for auth XXX_
#user X # set name for auth with peer; default is value for name
#usehostname # use hostname for auth
#remotename X # set remote name for auth
#noauth # (dont) require peer (the other) to auth
#require-pap # allow only pap authentication (dialin only)
#require-chap # allow only chap authentication (dialin only)
#login # use system password database for pap
#papcrypt # pap passwords are encrypted
Die device.ippp0 sieht wie folgt aus:
Code: Alles auswählen
# The (dummy) IP addresses
# Use for LOCALIP and for REMOTEIP if you have
# dynamic IP addresses; with static address fill in the real values!
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# In countries where there are NO areacodes, this leading zero must NOT be
# added. In that case, change the value of LEADINGZERO below to ''
# LEADINGZERO could conceivably need to be something else in certian
# situations, so it is configurable.
LOCALMSN=263155300 # XXX_
REMOTEMSN=19102345 # XXX_
LEADINGZERO=0 # XXX_ use LEADINGZERO='' if you have no areacodes.
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# verbose num
# Set verbosity level to <num>.
# (2 shows the first package of every connection, that is very useful.)
# WARNING: this is a global parameter, that affects all isdn devices!
isdnctrl verbose 2
DIALMODE=manual # XXX_ other values can be 'on' and 'off'
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#isdnctrl chargehup ${device} on
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# UserIDs that cannot use PPP at all. Check your /etc/passwd and add any
# other accounts that should not be able to use pppd!
guest hostname "*" -
master hostname "*" -
root hostname "*" -
support hostname "*" -
stats hostname "*" -
# OUTBOUND connections
# Here you should add your userid password to connect to your providers via
# PAP. The * means that the password is to be used for ANY host you connect
# to. Thus you do not have to worry about the foreign machine name. Just
# replace password with your password.
# If you have different providers with different passwords then you better
# remove the following line.
1und1/Benutzername Provider * [ Passwort ]
Code: Alles auswählen
search home
Code: Alles auswählen
debian:~# /etc/init.d/isdnutils start
Starting ISDN services: interfaces iprofd isdnlog.
Note: the following configuration files are not configured yet:
Wie kann ich weiter den Fehler eingrenzen und woran könnte es noch liegen ?
Ich arbeite mit dem 2.6er Kernel.[/code]