In einem anderen Thread hatte ich schon versucht eine Python Kommandozeilen-Anwendung via "pipx --editable" zu installieren.
Hier geht es jetzt um eine "library" namentlich buhtzology. Als ich versuchte diese per pipx install -e .[develop] zu installieren, wurde das verweigert mit folgender Nachricht.
OK, dass jetzt ein Unterschied gemacht wird zwischen Anwendung (app?) und "library" wusste ich nicht. Ich folge den Anweisungen:No apps associated with package buhtzology. Try again with '--include-deps' to include apps of dependent packages, which are listed above. If you are attempting to install a library, pipx should not be used. Consider using pip or a similar tool instead."
Code: Alles auswählen
pipx install --include-deps -e .[develop]
Code: Alles auswählen
⚠️ Note: normalizer was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/normalizer
⚠️ Note: f2py was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py
⚠️ Note: f2py3 was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py3
⚠️ Note: f2py3.11 was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/f2py3.11
⚠️ Note: py.test was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/py.test
⚠️ Note: pytest was already on your PATH at /usr/bin/pytest
⚠️ File exists at /home/user/.local/bin/pycodestyle and points to /home/user/.local/bin/pycodestyle, not /home/user/.local/pipx/venvs/buhtzology/bin/pycodestyle. Not modifying.
⚠️ File exists at /home/user/.local/bin/ruff and points to /home/user/.local/bin/ruff, not /home/user/.local/pipx/venvs/buhtzology/bin/ruff. Not modifying.
installed package buhtzology 0.2.0.dev0, installed using Python 3.11.2
These apps are now globally available
- f2py
- f2py3
- f2py3.11
- fonttools
- normalizer
- py.test
- pyftmerge
- pyftsubset
- pytest
- tabulate
- ttx
- pycodestyle (symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location)
- ruff (symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location)
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨