ich habe seit heute plötzlich auf zwei Debian-Systemen (Bullseye), die unabhängig von einander sind, das Problem, dass Kmail nicht mehr richtig startet sondern einfriert.
EIn AUfruf von kmail über die Konsole bringt diese Fehlermeldung zu Tage:
Code: Alles auswählen
Hspell: can't open /usr/share/hspell/hebrew.wgz.sizes.
kf.sonnet.clients.hspell: HSpellDict::HSpellDict: Init failed
Hspell: can't open /usr/share/hspell/hebrew.wgz.sizes.
kf.sonnet.clients.hspell: HSpellDict::HSpellDict: Init failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
org.kde.pim.kmail: setFcc: collection invalid ""
org.kde.kitinerary: Cannot find external extractor: "kitinerary-extractor"
org.kde.kitinerary: Cannot find external extractor: "kitinerary-extractor"
org.kde.kitinerary: Cannot find external extractor: "kitinerary-extractor"
org.kde.kitinerary: Cannot find external extractor: "kitinerary-extractor"
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Connection to speech-dispatcher failed
Cannot initialize model with data QJsonObject() . missing: QJsonValue(string, "urls")
Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn sich das lösen liese.