seid einigen Tagen nutze ich Debian 11 (Nicht vom PC-Namen irritieren lassen). Bei der Installation bzw. beim Start kommt es zu folgenden Problem(en). Auch der Ausruf über "localhost:631 scheitert.

Für Hilfe bin ich dankbar.
Grüße aus Niedersachsen
Code: Alles auswählen
└─$ journalctl -xe
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system.
Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
Pass -q to turn off this notice.
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit UNIT has finished successfully.
░░ The job identifier is 215.
Sep 14 12:57:13 WindowsPC blueman-applet[1199]: blueman-applet version 2.1.4 starting
Sep 14 12:57:13 WindowsPC blueman-applet[1199]: There is an instance already running
Sep 14 12:57:13 WindowsPC systemd[854]: blueman-applet.service: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit UNIT has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Sep 14 12:57:21 WindowsPC systemd[854]: run-user-132-gvfs.mount: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit UNIT has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
Sep 14 12:57:21 WindowsPC systemd[854]: run-user-132.mount: Succeeded.
░░ Subject: Unit succeeded
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit UNIT has successfully entered the 'dead' state.
lines 4544-4569/4569 (END)
Alternativ könnte man journalctl als Root ausführen.Yobi hat geschrieben:14.09.2021 13:00:45Code: Alles auswählen
Hint: You are currently not seeing messages from other users and the system. Users in groups 'adm', 'systemd-journal' can see all messages.
Code: Alles auswählen
journalctl -b |grep cups
Code: Alles auswählen
journalctl -b -x |grep cups
Ja, und den Grund hab ich gepastet: journalctl wurde als User aufgerufen, cups ist aber ein Systemdienst.willy4711 hat geschrieben:14.09.2021 14:34:01Na ja immerhin sehe ich bei der Ausgabe von journalctl -xe bei ihm nichts von cups.
… was völlig unerheblich ist, wenn der Versuch der Aktivierung unmittelbar vor dem Aufruf des Journals stattfand.willy4711 hat geschrieben:14.09.2021 14:34:01Wahrscheinlich hat er den Verlaufspeicher auch noch nicht auf unbegrenzt gestellt, sodass er nur einen unvollständige Ausgabe sehen kann.
Code: Alles auswählen
journalctl -b -x |grep cups
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE audit[765]: AVC apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/cups-browsed" pid=765 comm="apparmor_parser"
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE audit[766]: AVC apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" pid=766 comm="apparmor_parser"
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE audit[766]: AVC apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/cupsd" pid=766 comm="apparmor_parser"
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE audit[766]: AVC apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_load" profile="unconfined" name="/usr/sbin/cupsd//third_party" pid=766 comm="apparmor_parser"
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.path has finished successfully
░░ A start job for unit cups.path has finished successfully.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.socket has finished successfully
░░ A start job for unit cups.socket has finished successfully.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.service has begun execution
░░ A start job for unit cups.service has begun execution.
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE dbus-daemon[836]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.ColorManager' unit='colord.service' requested by ':1.13' (uid=0 pid=908 comm="/usr/sbin/cupsd -l ")
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE audit[908]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" pid=908 comm="cupsd" capability=12 capname="net_admin"
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.service has finished successfully
░░ A start job for unit cups.service has finished successfully.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups-browsed.service has finished successfully
░░ A start job for unit cups-browsed.service has finished successfully.
Sep 14 11:46:42 XFCE audit[4399]: AVC apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="/usr/sbin/cups-browsed" pid=4399 comm="cups-browsed" capability=23 capname="sys_nice"
Sep 14 11:46:42 XFCE kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1631612802.192:26): apparmor="DENIED" operation="capable" profile="/usr/sbin/cups-browsed" pid=4399 comm="cups-browsed" capability=23 capname="sys_nice"
Sep 14 14:02:28 XFCE hpcups[114750]: prnt/hpcups/Hbpl1.cpp 52: Hbpl1 constructor : m_szLanguage = HBPL1
Code: Alles auswählen
journalctl -b --unit cups
-- Journal begins at Wed 2021-08-18 13:06:16 CEST, ends at Tue 2021-09-14 14:53:50 CEST. --
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE systemd[1]: Starting CUPS Scheduler...
Sep 14 11:46:37 XFCE systemd[1]: Started CUPS Scheduler.
Sep 14 14:02:28 XFCE hpcups[114750]: prnt/hpcups/Hbpl1.cpp 52: Hbpl1 constructor : m_szLanguage = HBPL1
niemand hat geschrieben:Falls es nun wieder um das Problem im Eingangsbeitrag gehen darf, wäre also die Ausgabe von journalctl -b -x -u cups (als Root ausgeführt) von Interesse, Yobi. Oder halt die letzte Ausgabe von journalctl -xe nach dem Startversuch von cups – das ist dieselbe Meldung.
Code: Alles auswählen
sudo journalctl -b -x -u cups
[sudo] Passwort für ego:
-- Journal begins at Mon 2021-09-13 08:51:51 CEST, ends at Tue 2021-09-14 18:04:47 CEST. --
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC systemd[1]: Starting CUPS Scheduler...
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.service has begun execution
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ A start job for unit cups.service has begun execution.
░░ The job identifier is 153.
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC cupsd[626]: Unable to read "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" due to errors.
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC systemd[1]: cups.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ An ExecStart= process belonging to unit cups.service has exited.
░░ The process' exit code is 'exited' and its exit status is 1.
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC systemd[1]: cups.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
░░ Subject: Unit failed
░░ Defined-By: systemd
░░ Support:
░░ The unit cups.service has entered the 'failed' state with result 'exit-code'.
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC systemd[1]: Failed to start CUPS Scheduler.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit cups.service has failed
lines 1-26
→ ich würd’s so interpretieren, dass deine Konfigurationsdatei Fehler enthält, oder/und nicht gelesen werden kann. Entsprechend würde ich nun da zunächst die Rechte prüfen. Wenn das in Ordnung scheint, würde ich auch mal reinschauen, ob was auffällt, und falls das zu keinen Erkenntnissen führt, würde ich den cupsd mal manuell mit -t starten und schauen, ob dort etwas Hilfreiches ausgegeben wird:Yobi hat geschrieben:14.09.2021 18:07:10Code: Alles auswählen
Sep 14 17:56:11 WindowsPC cupsd[626]: Unable to read "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" due to errors.
man cupsd hat geschrieben:Code: Alles auswählen
OPTIONS -c cupsd.conf Uses the named cupsd.conf configuration file. -f Run cupsd in the foreground; the default is to run in the background as a "daemon". -F Run cupsd in the foreground but detach the process from the controlling terminal and current directory. This is useful for running cupsd from init(8). -h Shows the program usage. -l This option is passed to cupsd when it is run from launchd(8) or systemd(8). -s cups-files.conf Uses the named cups-files.conf configuration file. -t Test the configuration file for syntax errors.
Code: Alles auswählen
Missing <Limit ops> directive before SystemGroup on line 133 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
"/etc/cups/cupsd.conf" contains errors.
Code: Alles auswählen
# Configuration file for the CUPS scheduler. See "man cupsd.conf" for a
# complete description of this file.
# Log general information in error_log - change "warn" to "debug"
# for troubleshooting...
LogLevel warn
# Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are rotated. The value "0" disables log rotation.
MaxLogSize 0
# Default error policy for printers
ErrorPolicy retry-job
# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen localhost:631
Listen /run/cups/cups.sock
# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic
# Web interface setting...
WebInterface Yes
# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
Order allow,deny
# Restrict access to the admin pages...
<Location /admin>
Order allow,deny
# Restrict access to configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
# Restrict access to log files...
<Location /admin/log>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
# Set the default printer/job policies...
<Policy default>
# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job>
Order deny,allow
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Get-Devices>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job... [b]<-- Zeile 133[/b]
Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job><
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
# Set the authenticated printer/job policies...
<Policy authenticated>
# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job>
AuthType Default
Order deny,allow
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document>
AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
SystemGroup printadmin
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
# Set the kerberized printer/job policies...
<Policy kerberos>
# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job>
AuthType Negotiate
Order deny,allow
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document>
AuthType Negotiate
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
AuthType Negotiate
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
Code: Alles auswählen
SystemGroup printadmin
Code: Alles auswählen
SystemGroup printadmin