Auf meine Frage zur Vermutung, dass Proton mit dem Schweizer Bund kooperieren würde hat mir ProtonVPN wie folgt geantwortet:
"We can indeed say that these allegations are not correct in any way. It is correct that we are based in Switzerland, however, this doesn't mean that we are cooperating with any agencies or governments in any way. Keep in mind that Switzerland has one of the best and strongest privacy laws, which is one of the main reasons that we are based there.
Additionally, you can check our "Transparency Report & Warrant Canary" on this link:
ProtonVPN does not log any of our users’ activity, IP addresses, or DNS requests. Our server responsible for authentication retains a timestamp whenever a user connects, which is overwritten with each login. This timestamp does not contain users’ IP address, location or any other identifiable information and it is done only as a security measure in order to protect accounts from brute forcing.
So far we haven’t received a single data request. Law enforcement is handled this way: we will only disclose the limited user data we possess if we receive an enforceable court order from either the Cantonal Courts of Geneva or the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. The only information we keep about the user is a single login timestamp which only contains the username and time when the user logged into his/her account. We do not log, track, or record any other information about our users."