misleading links to iso. images ?

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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 04.09.2020 14:27:13

misleading links to iso. images ?

Beitrag von TBZ » 04.09.2020 14:50:19

Im using the german debian site,
when trying to find the location of the iso. images, i was led to
https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/ ... here-files
- there are no images,

when i choose the german mirror, i find a link to debian buster
thre are no images to find in the directorys main / installer etc.

the images are one directory up from debian.org/debian, in the
debian.org/debian-cd directories, example :
http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-cd/10.5 ... 4/iso-dvd/

so far my problem


Re: misleading links to iso. images ?

Beitrag von DeletedUserReAsG » 04.09.2020 17:19:46

Ist in der Tat ungeschickt gelöst, aber soweit ich weiß, ist hier keiner, der dafür zuständig wäre. Du solltest dich an die passende Mailingliste wenden.

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 04.09.2020 14:27:13

Re: misleading links to iso. images ?

Beitrag von TBZ » 04.09.2020 17:42:48

debian user forums -

Beiträge: 3334
Registriert: 10.05.2008 11:23:50

Re: misleading links to iso. images ?

Beitrag von eggy » 04.09.2020 18:08:54

The best way to get in touch with the developer who wrote the documentation is in most cases the corresponding mailing list or the bugtracker, open a bugreport against the "installation-guide" package. See https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/ ... 02.en.html for details.
Or if you prefer German: https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/ ... 02.de.html
