Debian Installer Buster rc3 release

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Debian Installer Buster rc3 release

Beitrag von KBDCALLS » 03.07.2019 11:03:04

Der Buster Installer ist als rc3 am 03. Juli 2019 erschienen.

  • The Debian Installer team[1] is pleased to announce the third release
    candidate of the installer for Debian 10 "Buster".


    This release candidate of the installer is meant to validate some very
    last changes, making sure Recommends of the Linux kernel packages are
    properly installed. That's also a way to double check the setup for
    generating installation images is ready to prepare official Buster
    images in a few days.

    Installation reports for this specific D-I Buster RC 3 release are
    welcome as always, but users may want to join the fun of testing the
    official installation images on Saturday! ... 00024.html

    Improvements in this release

    * base-installer:
    - Enable installation of Recommends while installing the kernel
    Debian Bugreport929667.
    * debian-installer-utils:
    - Always set APT option if --{with,no}-recommends options are used
    Debian Bugreport931287.
    * debian-cd:
    - Include Buster release notes on DVD, 16G USB and BD images.
    * grub2:
    - Add shim-signed to Recommends for grub-efi-{arm64,i386}-signed
    packages Debian Bugreport931038.

    Localization status

    * 76 languages are supported in this release.
    * Full translation for 39 of them.

    Known bugs in this release

    * There seems to be no known major bug as of yet.

    See the errata[2] for details and a full list of known issues.

    Feedback for this release

    We need your help to find bugs and further improve the installer,
    so please try it. Installer CDs, other media and everything else you
    will need are available at our web site[3].


    The Debian Installer team thanks everybody who has contributed to this


    Cyril Brulebois ( <>
    D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant
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Beiträge: 3051
Registriert: 28.03.2015 12:27:47
Wohnort: Mönchengladbach

Re: Debian Installer Buster rc3 release

Beitrag von kalle123 » 03.07.2019 11:37:04

Also viel scheint sich bezüglich Buster nicht mehr zu tun.

Bisschen was am Installer :wink:

Die letzten updates kamen hier bei mir am 29.6.

Gruß KH
