zfs clone und zfs send - Unterschied ?

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zfs clone und zfs send - Unterschied ?

Beitrag von schwedenmann » 09.12.2018 14:13:54


was ist der Unterschied zwischen:
zfs clone
zfs send

https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how ... -on-linux/

sowie ich das verstehe ist cloen nur lokal und send + receive ist lokal + remote, oder gibt es noch andere Unterschiede ?


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Re: zfs clone und zfs send - Unterschied ?

Beitrag von r4pt0r » 14.12.2018 15:56:26

aus der zfs manpage:
A clone is a writable volume or file system whose initial contents are
the same as another dataset. As with snapshots, creating a clone is
nearly instantaneous, and initially consumes no additional space.

Clones can only be created from a snapshot. When a snapshot is cloned, it
creates an implicit dependency between the parent and child. Even though
the clone is created somewhere else in the dataset hierarchy, the
original snapshot cannot be destroyed as long as a clone exists. The
origin property exposes this dependency, and the destroy command lists
any such dependencies, if they exist.

The clone parent-child dependency relationship can be reversed by using
the promote subcommand. This causes the "origin" file system to become a
clone of the specified file system, which makes it possible to destroy
the file system that the clone was created from.
zfs clone [-p] [-o property=value]... snapshot filesystem|volume

Creates a clone of the given snapshot. See the "Clones" section for
details. The target dataset can be located anywhere in the ZFS
hierarchy, and is created as the same type as the original.
zfs send [-DLPRcenpv] [-i snapshot | -I snapshot] snapshot

Creates a stream representation of the last snapshot argument (not
part of -i or -I) which is written to standard output. The output can
be redirected to a file or to a different system (for example, using
ssh(1)). By default, a full stream is generated.

clone und send sind also _völlig_ verschidene Dinge. Deine Frage zu beantworten wird daher schwer... Unterschied: alles?

BTW: ZFS hat _sehr_ gute manpages (wie eigentlich so ziemlich alles was von UNIX/BSD/Solaris kommt bzw Federführend unter BSD/illumos weiterentwickelt wird) - mit ausführlichem DESCRIPTION teil und sehr hilfreichen EXAMPLES. Manpages lesen lohnt sich also; die meisten Fragen/Probleme lassen sich damit in kürzester Zeit lösen :wink:
