In Version 1 hab ich jeden Wert einzeln in die passenden variable geschrieben :
Code: Alles auswählen
# name : df_mod_v2
# desciption : show differing FS usage
# autor : speefak (
# licence : (CC) BY-NC-SA
####################################### define global variables ########################################
########################################### define functions ###########################################
usage () {
cat << USAGE
Disk free frontend - display free disk space - version $VERSION
Options are:
-h, --help display help
-v, --version display version
-m, --monochrome disable color
-s, --sumary print column summary
-l, --listconfig show configuration
-c, --configure create new configuration
-r, --reconfigure reconfigure configuration
configure_dialog () {
# create config file
ConfigParameterList=$(cat $0 | grep -A50 "configure_dialog () {" | grep "read -e -p \" Enter" | awk -F " " '{print $NF}')
# display Var input prompt and default value, enter/edit value
df -hT -x tmpfs
printf "\n" # varname in configfile
read -e -p " Enter local filesystems (main system e.g. /dev/sda1 ...): " -i "${FSLocalSystems:-$(df | grep -w "/" | cut -d " " -f1)}" FSLocalSystems
read -e -p " Enter local storage filesystems (storage e.g. sda5 sdb1 /home ...): " -i "${FSLocalStorage:-/home}" FSLocalStorage
read -e -p " Enter remote FSs (e.g. fuse ssh smb ...): " -i "${FSRemote:-ssh fuse smb}" FSRemote
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => local systems: " -i "${SortFSColumnSystem:-7}" SortFSColumnSystem
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => local storage: " -i "${SortFSColumnStorage:-7}" SortFSColumnStorage
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => remote storage: " -i "${SortFSColumnRemote:-7}" SortFSColumnRemote
read -e -p " Enter frame color ( default red ): " -i "${FrameColor:-1}" FrameColor
read -e -p " Enter column header color (default green): " -i "${ColumnHeaderColor:-2}" ColumnHeaderColor
read -e -p " Enter column header color (default green): " -i "${ColumnSumaryColor:-3}" ColumnSumaryColor
read -e -p " Enter graph range low % (default 0-59): 0-" -i "${GraphThresholdLow:-59}" GraphThresholdLow
read -e -p " Enter graph range mid % (default 60-89): $(($(echo $GraphThresholdLow | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-" -i "${GraphThresholdMid:-89}" GraphThresholdMid
GraphThresholdHigh="100" GraphThresholdHigh
GraphRangeLow=$(echo 0-$GraphThresholdLow)
GraphRangeMid="$(($(echo $GraphThresholdLow | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-$GraphThresholdMid"
GraphRangeHigh="$(($(echo $GraphThresholdMid | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-100"
echo " Enter graph range high % (default 90-100): $(($(echo $GraphThresholdMid | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-100"
read -e -p " Enter graph round value $GraphRoundThreshold (default 5): " -i "${GraphRoundThreshold:-5}" GraphRoundThreshold
read -e -p " Enter graph color low $GraphRangeLow% (default green): " -i "${GraphColorLow:-2}" GraphColorLow
read -e -p " Enter graph color mid $GraphRangeMid% (default yellow): " -i "${GraphColorMid:-3}" GraphColorMid
read -e -p " Enter graph color high $GraphRangeHigh% (default red): " -i "${GraphColorHigh:-1}" GraphColorHigh
read -e -p " Enter colum sumary output (enable|disable): " -i "${ColumnSumaryCalc:-disabled}" ColumnSumaryCalc
# print new Vars
printf "\n new configuration values: \n\n"
for i in $ConfigParameterList; do
echo " $i=\""$(eval echo $(echo "$"$i))\"
# check for existing config file
if [[ -s $ConfigFile ]]; then
printf "\n"
read -e -p " overwrite existing configuration (y/n) " -i "y" OverwriteConfig
if [[ $OverwriteConfig == [yY] ]]; then
rm $ConfigFile
sed -i '/Reconfigure=true/d' $ConfigFile
sed -i '/CreateNewConfig=true/d' $ConfigFile
printf "\n existing configuration :\n\n"
cat $ConfigFile
# write Vars to config file
for i in $ConfigParameterList; do
echo "$i=\""$(eval echo $(echo "$"$i))\" >> $ConfigFile
printf "\n configuration saved in: $ConfigFile\n"
load_processing_vars () {
# define colors
FrameColor=$(tput setaf $FrameColor)
ColumnHeaderColor=$(tput setaf $ColumnHeaderColor)
ColumnSumaryColor=$(tput setaf $ColumnSumaryColor)
GraphColorLow=$(tput setaf $GraphColorLow)
GraphColorMid=$(tput setaf $GraphColorMid)
GraphColorHigh=$(tput setaf $GraphColorHigh)
ResetColor=$(tput sgr0)
ColumnHeader="System-Device FS-Type Size Used Avail Used% Mountpoint Used-Graph"
SeperatorLine=$(echo $FrameColor"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ResetColor" )
# define/filter df output
FSLocalSystemList=$(df -hl --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSLocalSystems| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnSystem )
FSLocalStorageList=$(df -hl --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSLocalStorage| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnStorage )
FSRemoteList=$(df -h --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSRemote| tr " " "|") | tr ":" " " | awk -F " " '{print $1,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnRemote )
calculate_binary_prefix () {
CalcResult=$( if [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 13 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/2162516033536)P
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 10 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1073741824)T
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 7 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1048576)G
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 4 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1024)M
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 1 ]]; then
printf "$1 K"
fi )
printf $(echo $CalcResult | sed 's/^\./0./' | cut -c1-4 | sed 's/\.\$//' |sed 's/[ .]*$//' )
printf "$(echo $CalcResult | rev | cut -c1) \n"
calculate_values () {
# get calculate values
FSLocalSystemListCalc=$(df -l --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $(echo $FSLocalSystems| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
FSLocalStorageListCalc=$(df -l --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $( echo $FSLocalStorage| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
FSRemoteListCalc=$(df --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $(echo $FSRemote| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
# calculate values
FSLocalSystemListSizeRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalSystemListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $1 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalSystemListUsedRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalSystemListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $2 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalSystemListAvailRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalSystemListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $3 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalSystemListSize=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalSystemListSizeRaw")
FSLocalSystemListUsed=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalSystemListUsedRaw")
FSLocalSystemListAvail=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalSystemListAvailRaw")
FSLocalSystemUsedPercent=$(echo $(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalSystemListUsedRaw / $FSLocalSystemListSizeRaw * 100")) | cut -d "." -f1)%
FSLocalStorageListSizeRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalStorageListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $1 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalStorageListUsedRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalStorageListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $2 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalStorageListAvailRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalStorageListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $3 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSLocalStorageListSize=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalStorageListSizeRaw")
FSLocalStorageListUsed=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalStorageListUsedRaw")
FSLocalStorageListAvail=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSLocalStorageListAvailRaw")
FSLocalStorageUsedPercent=$(echo $(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSLocalStorageListUsedRaw / $FSLocalStorageListSizeRaw * 100")) | cut -d "." -f1)%
FSRemoteListSizeRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSRemoteListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $1 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSRemoteListUsedRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSRemoteListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $2 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSRemoteListAvailRaw=$(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSRemoteListCalc" | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $3 }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
FSRemoteListSize=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSRemoteListSizeRaw")
FSRemoteListUsed=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSRemoteListUsedRaw")
FSRemoteListAvail=$(calculate_binary_prefix "$FSRemoteListAvailRaw")
FSRemoteUsedPercent=$(echo $(bc -l <<< $(echo "$FSRemoteListUsedRaw / $FSRemoteListSizeRaw * 100")) | cut -d "." -f1)%
SummaryLineLocalSystem="$FSLocalSystemListSize $FSLocalSystemListUsed $FSLocalSystemListAvail $(echo $FSLocalSystemUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSLocalSystemUsedPercent")"
SummaryLineLocalStorage="$FSLocalStorageListSize $FSLocalStorageListUsed $FSLocalStorageListAvail $(echo $FSLocalStorageUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSLocalStorageUsedPercent")"
SummaryLineRemote="$FSRemoteListSize $FSRemoteListUsed $FSRemoteListAvail $(echo $FSRemoteUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSRemoteUsedPercent")"
monochrome_output () {
FrameColor=$(tput setaf 7)
ColumnHeaderColor=$(tput setaf 7)
ColumnSumaryColor=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorLow=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorMid=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorHigh=$(tput setaf 7)
SeperatorLine=$(echo $(tput setaf 7)"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $(tput sgr0))
print_parser_list () {
echo "$@" | awk -F " " '{printf " %-25s %10s %9s %6s %6s %6s %11s %-20s \n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, $7}'
print_graph_star () {
for i in `seq 10 10 $GraphValue`; do
printf "*"
printf "\n"
print_graph () {
printf $ResetColor
GraphValue=$(( $(echo "$1" | tr " " "\n" | grep "%" | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) + $GraphRoundThreshold ))
if [[ $GraphValue -le $GraphThresholdLow ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorLow'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
elif [[ $GraphValue -le $GraphThresholdMid ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorMid'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
elif [[ $GraphValue -le $(( $GraphThresholdHigh + $GraphRoundThreshold )) ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorHigh'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
print_output_line () {
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
# proccessing each filesystem input line
for i in $1 ; do
print_parser_list "$i $(print_graph $i)"
############################################# start script #############################################
############################################# check config #############################################
if [[ -s $ConfigFile ]] && [[ -z $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "Reconfigure=true\|CreateNewConfig=true") ]]; then
# read config file
source $ConfigFile
elif [[ -s $ConfigFile ]] && [[ -n $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "Reconfigure=true") ]]; then
# read config and reconfigure
source $ConfigFile
elif [[ ! -s $ConfigFile ]] || [[ -n $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "CreateNewConfig=true") ]]; then
# create new config file
############################################# check options ############################################
case $1 in
-[hv]) usage
-m) monochrome_output;;
-s) calculate_values
-l) cat $ConfigFile
exit ;;
-c) echo "CreateNewConfig=true" >> $ConfigFile
-r) echo "Reconfigure=true" >> $ConfigFile
?*) usage
############################################# print output #############################################
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf "$ColumnHeaderColor" && print_parser_list "$ColumnHeader"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " MainSystem $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineLocalSystem | awk -F " " '{printf " %32s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor------------+ $ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSLocalSystemList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " Storage FileSystems $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineLocalStorage | awk -F " " '{printf " %23s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor---------------------+$ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSLocalStorageList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " Network shares / Removeable Medium $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineRemote | awk -F " " '{printf " %8s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor------------------------------------+$ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSRemoteList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
exit 0
Code: Alles auswählen
# name : df_mod_v2
# desciption : show differing FS usage
# autor : speefak (
# licence : (CC) BY-NC-SA
####################################### define global variables ########################################
########################################### define functions ###########################################
usage () {
cat << USAGE
Disk free frontend - display free disk space - version $VERSION
Options are:
-h, --help display help
-v, --version display version
-m, --monochrome disable color
-s, --sumary print column summary
-l, --listconfig show configuration
-c, --configure create new configuration
-r, --reconfigure reconfigure configuration
configure_dialog () {
# create config file
ConfigParameterList=$(cat $0 | grep -A50 "configure_dialog () {" | grep "read -e -p \" Enter" | awk -F " " '{print $NF}')
# display Var input prompt and default value, enter/edit value
df -hT -x tmpfs
printf "\n" # varname in configfile
read -e -p " Enter local filesystems (main system e.g. /dev/sda1 ...): " -i "${FSLocalSystems:-$(df | grep -w "/" | cut -d " " -f1)}" FSLocalSystems
read -e -p " Enter local storage filesystems (storage e.g. sda5 sdb1 /home ...): " -i "${FSLocalStorage:-/home}" FSLocalStorage
read -e -p " Enter remote FSs (e.g. fuse ssh smb ...): " -i "${FSRemote:-ssh fuse smb}" FSRemote
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => local systems: " -i "${SortFSColumnSystem:-7}" SortFSColumnSystem
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => local storage: " -i "${SortFSColumnStorage:-7}" SortFSColumnStorage
read -e -p " Enter sorting column number for FS => remote storage: " -i "${SortFSColumnRemote:-7}" SortFSColumnRemote
read -e -p " Enter frame color ( default red ): " -i "${FrameColor:-1}" FrameColor
read -e -p " Enter column header color (default green): " -i "${ColumnHeaderColor:-2}" ColumnHeaderColor
read -e -p " Enter column header color (default green): " -i "${ColumnSumaryColor:-3}" ColumnSumaryColor
read -e -p " Enter graph range low % (default 0-59): 0-" -i "${GraphThresholdLow:-59}" GraphThresholdLow
read -e -p " Enter graph range mid % (default 60-89): $(($(echo $GraphThresholdLow | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-" -i "${GraphThresholdMid:-89}" GraphThresholdMid
GraphThresholdHigh="100" GraphThresholdHigh
GraphRangeLow=$(echo 0-$GraphThresholdLow)
GraphRangeMid="$(($(echo $GraphThresholdLow | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-$GraphThresholdMid"
GraphRangeHigh="$(($(echo $GraphThresholdMid | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-100"
echo " Enter graph range high % (default 90-100): $(($(echo $GraphThresholdMid | cut -d "-" -f2) +1 ))-100"
read -e -p " Enter graph round value $GraphRoundThreshold (default 5): " -i "${GraphRoundThreshold:-5}" GraphRoundThreshold
read -e -p " Enter graph color low $GraphRangeLow% (default green): " -i "${GraphColorLow:-2}" GraphColorLow
read -e -p " Enter graph color mid $GraphRangeMid% (default yellow): " -i "${GraphColorMid:-3}" GraphColorMid
read -e -p " Enter graph color high $GraphRangeHigh% (default red): " -i "${GraphColorHigh:-1}" GraphColorHigh
read -e -p " Enter colum sumary output (enable|disable): " -i "${ColumnSumaryCalc:-disabled}" ColumnSumaryCalc
# print new Vars
printf "\n new configuration values: \n\n"
for i in $ConfigParameterList; do
echo " $i=\""$(eval echo $(echo "$"$i))\"
# check for existing config file
if [[ -s $ConfigFile ]]; then
printf "\n"
read -e -p " overwrite existing configuration (y/n) " -i "y" OverwriteConfig
if [[ $OverwriteConfig == [yY] ]]; then
rm $ConfigFile
sed -i '/Reconfigure=true/d' $ConfigFile
sed -i '/CreateNewConfig=true/d' $ConfigFile
printf "\n existing configuration :\n\n"
cat $ConfigFile
# write Vars to config file
for i in $ConfigParameterList; do
echo "$i=\""$(eval echo $(echo "$"$i))\" >> $ConfigFile
printf "\n configuration saved in: $ConfigFile\n"
load_processing_vars () {
# define colors
FrameColor=$(tput setaf $FrameColor)
ColumnHeaderColor=$(tput setaf $ColumnHeaderColor)
ColumnSumaryColor=$(tput setaf $ColumnSumaryColor)
GraphColorLow=$(tput setaf $GraphColorLow)
GraphColorMid=$(tput setaf $GraphColorMid)
GraphColorHigh=$(tput setaf $GraphColorHigh)
ResetColor=$(tput sgr0)
ColumnHeader="System-Device FS-Type Size Used Avail Used% Mountpoint Used-Graph"
SeperatorLine=$(echo $FrameColor"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ResetColor" )
# define/filter df output
FSLocalSystemList=$(df -hl --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSLocalSystems| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnSystem )
FSLocalStorageList=$(df -hl --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSLocalStorage| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnStorage )
FSRemoteList=$(df -h --output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target | \
egrep $(echo $FSRemote| tr " " "|") | tr ":" " " | awk -F " " '{print $1,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}' | sort -u -k$SortFSColumnRemote )
calculate_SI_prefix () {
CalcResult=$( if [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 13 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/2162516033536)P
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 10 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1073741824)T
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 7 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1048576)G
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 4 ]]; then
printf $(bc -l <<< $1/1024)M
elif [[ $(wc -m <<< $1) -gt 1 ]]; then
printf "$1 K"
fi )
printf $(echo $CalcResult | sed 's/^\./0./' | cut -c1-4 | sed 's/\.\$//' |sed 's/[ .]*$//' )
# append prefix
printf "$(echo $CalcResult | rev | cut -c1) \n"
calculate_values () {
# get calculate values
FSLocalSystemListCalc=$(df -l --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $(echo $FSLocalSystems| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
FSLocalStorageListCalc=$(df -l --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $( echo $FSLocalStorage| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
FSRemoteListCalc=$(df --output=size,used,avail,source,target,fstype | egrep $(echo $FSRemote| tr " " "|") | awk -F " " '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')
# set storage class values
for FSClass in FSLocalSystemList FSLocalStorageList FSRemoteList; do
# set column values
for Column in Size Used Avail; do
# set varnames and calculate values in byte
eval $(echo "$FSClass""$Column"Raw)=$(bc -l <<< $(eval echo '"'"$""$(eval echo "$FSClass"Calc)"'"' | awk -F " " '{printf "+" $'$ColumnCounter' }' | cut -c 2-1000)) 2>/dev/null
# calculate SI prefix
eval $(echo "$FSClass""$Column")=$(calculate_SI_prefix $(eval echo $(echo "$"$(echo "$FSClass""$Column"Raw))))
# caculate used percent for each filesystemclass
eval $(echo "$FSClass"UsedPercent)=$(bc -l <<< $(eval echo '"'"$""$(eval echo "$FSClass"UsedRaw)"'"' / '"'"$""$(eval echo "$FSClass"SizeRaw)"'"' '"*"' 100) | cut -d "." -f1)%
SummaryLineLocalSystem="$FSLocalSystemListSize $FSLocalSystemListUsed $FSLocalSystemListAvail $(echo $FSLocalSystemListUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSLocalSystemListUsedPercent")"
SummaryLineLocalStorage="$FSLocalStorageListSize $FSLocalStorageListUsed $FSLocalStorageListAvail $(echo $FSLocalStorageListUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSLocalStorageListUsedPercent")"
SummaryLineRemote="$FSRemoteListSize $FSRemoteListUsed $FSRemoteListAvail $(echo $FSRemoteListUsedPercent | sed 's/%/%%/') $ResetColor $(print_graph "$FSRemoteListUsedPercent")"
monochrome_output () {
FrameColor=$(tput setaf 7)
ColumnHeaderColor=$(tput setaf 7)
ColumnSumaryColor=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorLow=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorMid=$(tput setaf 7)
GraphColorHigh=$(tput setaf 7)
SeperatorLine=$(echo $(tput setaf 7)"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" $(tput sgr0))
print_parser_list () {
echo "$@" | awk -F " " '{printf " %-25s %10s %9s %6s %6s %6s %11s %-20s \n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, $7}'
print_graph_star () {
for i in `seq 10 10 $GraphValue`; do
printf "*"
printf "\n"
print_graph () {
printf $ResetColor
GraphValue=$(( $(echo "$1" | tr " " "\n" | grep "%" | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) + $GraphRoundThreshold ))
if [[ $GraphValue -le $GraphThresholdLow ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorLow'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
elif [[ $GraphValue -le $GraphThresholdMid ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorMid'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
elif [[ $GraphValue -le $(( $GraphThresholdHigh + $GraphRoundThreshold )) ]]; then
printf "[$(echo $(echo "$(print_graph_star $GraphValue)" )---------- | cut -c1-10 )" | sed 's/\*/'$GraphColorHigh'\*/' | sed 's/\-/'$ResetColor'\-/' && printf $ResetColor]
print_output_line () {
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
# proccessing each filesystem input line
for i in $1 ; do
print_parser_list "$i $(print_graph $i)"
############################################# start script #############################################
############################################# check config #############################################
if [[ -s $ConfigFile ]] && [[ -z $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "Reconfigure=true\|CreateNewConfig=true") ]]; then
# read config file
source $ConfigFile
elif [[ -s $ConfigFile ]] && [[ -n $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "Reconfigure=true") ]]; then
# read config and reconfigure
source $ConfigFile
elif [[ ! -s $ConfigFile ]] || [[ -n $(cat $ConfigFile | grep "CreateNewConfig=true") ]]; then
# create new config file
############################################# check options ############################################
case $1 in
-[hv]) usage
-m) monochrome_output;;
-s) calculate_values
-l) cat $ConfigFile
exit ;;
-c) echo "CreateNewConfig=true" >> $ConfigFile
-r) echo "Reconfigure=true" >> $ConfigFile
?*) usage
############################################# print output #############################################
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf "$ColumnHeaderColor" && print_parser_list "$ColumnHeader"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " MainSystem $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineLocalSystem | awk -F " " '{printf " %32s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor------------+ $ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSLocalSystemList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " Storage FileSystems $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineLocalStorage | awk -F " " '{printf " %23s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor---------------------+$ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSLocalStorageList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
printf " Network shares / Removeable Medium $FrameColor|$ColumnSumaryColor $(echo $SummaryLineRemote | awk -F " " '{printf " %8s %7s %8s %9s %38s \n",$1, $2, $3, $4, $6}' ) $ResetColor\n"
printf "$FrameColor------------------------------------+$ResetColor\n"
print_output_line "$FSRemoteList"
printf "$SeperatorLine \n"
exit 0
Wie würdet Ihr es machen ? ... nd-script/