ich wollte ein kleines Active/Passive Cluster auf Jessie updaten. Beim testen ist mir aufgefallen, dass heartbeat in der alten v1 Konfiguration (hier vollkommen ausreichend) nicht mehr mit Jessie und Systemd zusammen funktioniert.
Original sah die haresources ungefähr so aus:
Code: Alles auswählen
node-01 drbddisk::r0 LVM::data1 Filesytem::/dev/mapper/data1-lv1::/srv::ext4::noatime,nodiratime mysql memcached redis-server php5-fpm apache2
Code: Alles auswählen
property stonith-enabled=no
property no-quorum-policy=ignore
property default-resource-stickiness=100
primitive DRBD_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="r0" op monitor interval="29s" role="Master" op monitor interval="31s" role="Slave" timeout=240
primitive LVM_r0 ocf:heartbeat:LVM params volgrpname="data1" op monitor interval="30s" timeout=30
primitive SRV_MOUNT_1 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/mapper/data1-lv1" directory="/srv" fstype="ext4" options="noatime,nodiratime" op monitor interval="40s" timeout=60
primitive IP-rsc ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" nic="eth0" cidr_netmask="" meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
primitive MariaDB-rsc lsb:mysql meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
primitive Redis-rsc lsb:redis-server meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
primitive Memcached-rsc lsb:memcached meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
primitive PHPFPM-rsc lsb:php5-fpm meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
primitive Apache2-rsc lsb:apache2 meta migration-threshold=2 op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart
ms ms_DRBD_r0 DRBD_r0 meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" target-role="Started"
colocation AP-CLUSTER1-SERVICES inf: DRBD_r0 LVM_r0 SRV_MOUNT_1 IP-rsc MariaDB-rsc Redis-rsc Memcached-rsc PHPFPM-rsc Apache2-rsc
order AP-CLUSTER1-ORDER inf: DRBD_r0 LVM_r0 SRV_MOUNT_1 IP-rsc MariaDB-rsc Redis-rsc Memcached-rsc PHPFPM-rsc Apache2-rsc
Code: Alles auswählen
ERROR: error: expand_tags_in_sets: Constraint 'AP-CLUSTER1-ORDER': Invalid reference to 'DRBD_r0'
error: unpack_order_set: AP-CLUSTER1-ORDER-0: No resource found for DRBD_r0
error: expand_tags_in_sets: Constraint 'AP-CLUSTER1-SERVICES': Invalid reference to 'DRBD_r0'
error: unpack_colocation_set: AP-CLUSTER1-SERVICES-0: No resource found for DRBD_r0
Errors found during check: config not valid